Cincinnati is an amazing place. You get all the benefits and features of a big city, while also being able to take advantage of the small town charm.
Last night Fountain Square was packed for a political rally encouraging voters to get out there and vote early. The night featured Natalie Portman and music by prominent Indie bands like The Breeders and The National.
The music was awesome, the crowd was big and the weather was perfect. Unfortunately we were a little late arriving and missed The Breeders performance and only caught about 3/4 of The National. But while we were there the night was amazing, and we couldn’t help but think where else could this happen than Cincinnati.
We lucked out and a tabled opened on Via Vite’s rooftop terrace. From there we were able to not only take in the amazing music from The National, but also enjoy some of the area’s best Italian food in comfort and style. We didn’t have to wait, pay top dollar, or even know somebody. We just had to show up and take advantage of the awesome night ready to be had.
We were there with local celebrity/politician Jim Tarbell and nationally known pop star turned Green Party politician Justin Jeffre. In NYC you would have had to been a high roller in order to get that kind of experience, but here some average twenty somethings were able to roll with the big dogs. Only in Cincinnati.