The Design Revolution Road Show is a traveling exhibition that has visited 22 schools and covered thousands of miles in the course of 75 days with just one mobile trailer. The exhibition is the brain child of Emily Pilloton who founded Project H Design – a San Francisco-based non-profit that focuses on design that improves health, habitats, humanity and happiness. The road show has taken Project H’s message on the road and will visit Cincinnati today.
Over the past two months the Design Revolution Road Show has traveled all over the country visiting high schools and colleges in an attempt to inspire students to step up and change the world. In addition to the message, the traveling exhibition features 40 humanitarian design solutions that were previously highlighted in Design Revolution: 100 Products that Empower People which was also written by, you guessed it, Emily Pilloton. The designs vary, but range from homemade water filters designed for those living in developing countries to educational toys for mentally challenged children.

“Each product is an example of how design can enable and improve life, rather than simply take up space as a commodity or accessory,” described Pilloton. “We believe design can change the world, and we’re taking the show on the road.”
The University of Cincinnati (UC) was chosen as one of the sites because of the university’s prominent college of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning that is world renowned for its design innovations and talent. According to Pilloton, the hope is to create a stronger connection between education and design that is both provocative and socially relevant to the problems facing society today. Students at UC will be presented the evidence and tools for designing solutions with a social impact.
The Design Revolution Road Show will be at the University of Cincinnati today from 10am to 4pm. The mobile trailer known as ‘The Airstream’ will be parked on McMicken Commons in the heart of UC’s main campus. Project H Design founder Emily Pilloton will be giving a free lecture that is open to the public from 12:30pm to 2pm in room 4400 inside the Aronoff Center for Art & Design (map). Parking is available throughout UC’s campus parking garages for a fee, or you can try your luck at nearby on-street parking. Several Metro bus routes also provide service to the Aronoff Center for Art & Design, and a great deal of bicycle parking is located just feet away from the entrance to the building.