This work in progress called UrbanCincy has evolved some more…and I thought I should keep everyone apprised as to what has happened.
First off, I’ve changed the header graphic around slightly to something I think is a little more visually pleasing. Secondly, I have removed the Downtown Cincinnati News Bits section (on the left), and replaced it with a news feed from The other change is the big one (at least to me…maybe not you). No longer is it…oh no, now it is simply
Tell your friends, coworkers, family, and loved ones. UrbanCincy continues to get better for all of you. Be on the lookout for more improvements down the road as UrbanCincy will continue its maturation into your Cincinnati blogspot.
***EDIT: The proverbial glitch has now been fixed…you can now simply type in “” and it will direct you to the site. All is well!