
NIMBY Tip of the Month (9.07)

Have you ever heard the complaint about how a bike trail, walking trail or stairway is going to bring crime and problems to someones property. The same can even be said for when people complain that crime and the inevitable fall of the neighborhood is near because of the addition of a potential bus stop (or other public transit stop).

Maybe my ‘crimedar’ (and yes I do have a trademark on the ‘crimedar’ slogan) is off, but I don’t understand the philosophy behind this train of thought. Is it that criminals are going to ride their bicycles or take a jog to your house to clean you out? Or is it the fear that criminals will use these trails as loitering points to case out your home? Like I said…I must be missing something.

Don’t be fooled; these people (fronting as bicyclists) are really pushing drugs!

While we’re on the point of crime I’ll bring up this other point…do criminals have a code of conduct to solely commit their deviant acts only within Cincinnati city limits (or any city for that matter). I often hear how “dangerous” cities are…but at the same time people in places like Delhi Twp, Cheviot, Madeira, Green Twp, etc make these very same claims. Do criminals really walk down the street…stop and realize they are about to cross into *trumpets sound* Delhi Township and think “I need to head back…I’m getting to far from home base?”

This may be less of a tip and more of a question for those NIMBYs and suburbanites of the world who feel they’re superior to everyone else. So please sound off and tell me of your tragic criminal experiences with bike trails, walking trails and the proliferation of crime that must exist right at the city limits.

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Stay connected with the Cincy Streetcar proposal

I was at the Cincinnati Streetcar meeting tonight at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. First of all, I must say that the Art Academy has a simply gorgeous building in Over-the-Rhine and one that is a perfect fit for artists.

The meeting itself had a good turnout (from my perspective). The representatives from HDR were very helpful and were able to answer just about any question you threw their way (and trust me, I asked a lot of questions). In addition to the HDR people, City Architect Michael Moore and local transit god John Schneider were also their to answer any questions you may have.

I left the meeting feeling more optimistic, about the project, than ever (if that is possible). This was an informal meeting format and was a great opportunity to learn about the proposed system. If you would like to give it a try then you have one more chance since this meeting will happen again on September 27 at City Hall from 4-7pm.

I highly recommend that you start getting active in this process if you aren’t already. The whole thing is moving along very quickly and it sounds very likely that it could be ready for riders in 2010! You can get lots of information about the proposal here.

Business News Politics

Don’t Trash The ‘Nati

It is not often that I read the Opinion Section of the Enquirer…but today for some reason I felt the urge. You know that urge to test your toughness and stomach for what is typically ridiculous commentary. But today however, I was pleasantly surprised. Laura Kleckner had a wonderful piece discussing the University of Cincinnati and the neighborhoods that surround it.

I am a student at UC and trust me, I understand the urge to go out and party…and even get a little crazy. But it is often easy to overlook the fact that the neighborhoods that surround UC are exactly that – NEIGHBORHOODS. People live there 365 days a year, raise families there, make a living there and get to live their American Dream right there in those very neighborhoods.

Charlton Place – Jefferson Street

Unfortunately many college students have little respect for their surroundings and think of college as a non-stop party (some, not all). If you would like to experience college this way fine, but at least have some decency and try not to trash the neighborhoods that people have worked very hard on to clean up/improve.

urge UC students to be more respectful and work with community members to make the neighborhoods, surrounding UC, better places for everyone. Don’t trash the ‘nati.


Oktoberfest Zinzinnati: 2007

Ah…yes, Oktoberfest is back. Everyone’s favorite German festival is about to kick off this weekend. Get ready for bratwurst, bier, wiener schnitzel…oh and did I say bier? This is all part of Cincinnati USA’s larger Zinful Weekend.

But, back to the main event…Oktoberfest. This is the second largest Oktoberfest celebration in the world (outside of the original in Munich). The weekend event will attract around 500,000 people and take place in the core of Downtown Cincinnati. Here are some of the details, and for any other information you can check out the event website.

When: Event: Saturday, Sept. 22, 2007, 11 a.m.-midnight; Sunday, Sept. 23, 2007, 11 a.m.-10 p.m.

Where: On 6 blocks of Fifth Street; from Race Street to Broadway in Downtown Zinzinnati.


Stay tuned…

Just wanted to let everyone know that new content will be coming soon. I just moved back to Cincy and have been settling back in. Before you know it there will be new content flowing again…stayed tuned.