Arts & Entertainment Business News

DAAP Slap’d students graduate a week from today

Last year at this time, I too was stuck inside the Aronoff Center for Design & Art as I finished my thesis research paper on urban design and its impacts on sociological patterns, and readied my DAAP Works presentation.  Students who attend the College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning (DAAP) at the University of Cincinnati know very well the rigors of the studio-based curriculum that places the college among the best design schools in the world.

This time next week the next round of students will complete their DAAP journey as they walk in their respective graduation ceremonies held at UC.  In the mean time, take a quick glimpse into the DAAP Slap’d lives these students live.  The video is quite comical and fun to watch.  Enjoy!

If you liked this song, you might also want to check out Poolside’s Don’t Stop and Pull Me Under singles.  After further investigation it appears that Poolside has a slew of songs, does live performances and even has its own label.  Not sure what the full story is here, but it’s worth checking out:

Arts & Entertainment News

Cincinnati to celebrate 115th German Day this weekend

The German-American Citizens League (GACL) will be celebrating the 115th Anniversary of the celebration of German Day this weekend in Cincinnati’s center city which has also historically served as the heart of Cincinnati’s German heritage along with the nation’s.

“The celebration is one of the oldest German Day celebrations in the United States, which is not surprising since Cincinnati is one of the three major German heritage urban centers along with Milwaukee and St. Louis,” explained Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzman, President, GACL.

The festivities will kick off on Saturday, June 5 at 11am at historic Findlay Market (map) in Over-the-Rhine with the annual parade and opening ceremonies. The ceremonies will include representatives from Cincinnati-area German-American societies, a discussion on the German heritage of Findlay Market, and German dance and singing performances.

The weekend celebrations will continue on Sunday at Hofbräuhaus Newport (map) where the GACL will offer hourly raffle prizes throughout the day, and a grand raffle at 5:30pm.  All proceeds from the raffle will go to benefit the German Heritage Museum.

Arts & Entertainment News

Emanuel Community Center to host six-week photography class

The Emanuel Community Center will be hosting a six-part digital photography class this summer that will focus on lighting, composition and technical controls of digital cameras in a way to help those participating develop their own artistic touch. The class will be instructed by David Rosenthal who is the founder and director of Prairie, Inc. and an adjunct instructor of Fine Arts at the University of Cincinnati.

The six-week long class will take place at the Emanuel Community Center (map), but will also take participants on several outings to Music Hall, Findlay Market, the Gateway Quarter and Washington Park in order to introduce the architectural, social and cultural assets of historic Over-the-Rhine.

The class will run from Tuesday, June 22 through Tuesday, August 3 and will take place from 6:30pm to 8pm. Registration costs $120, with only 15 available slots, and can be made by contacting Jenny Mendelson at (513) 241-2563 or

Arts & Entertainment Business News

‘Eat Local for the Globe’ at Rookwood Pottery – 6/10

From the Cincinnati Business Courier:

If you’re the kind of person who worries about just how far your green beans had to travel before they made it onto your plate, then this dinner is for you.

The Corporation for Findlay Market will host the “Eat Local for the Globe” event from 5:30pm to 11pm June 10 at Rookwood Pottery. The event is limited to 100 guests, and they will get a five-course “locally sourced” meal prepared by chefs Luke Radkey and Jody Miller along with wine and live music. The cost is $45 per person.

“Purchasing locally grown products provides a boon to the local economy,” Karen Kahle, resource development director at the Corporation for Findlay Market, said in a news release. “‘Eat Local for the Globe’ is a unique event highlighting the talents of local chefs and ingredients.”

Get all the details, and read the full story from Lucy May here.

Arts & Entertainment Business News

Local vendors, entertainment embody the best of Taste of Cincinnati

Everyone’s favorite food festival is just around the corner. The 32nd Annual Taste of Cincinnati is this weekend, May 29-31. Originating in 1979 as a one-day event with 5,000 people in Piatt Park, Taste of Cincinnati has grown to a three-day extravaganza with over 500,000 people in attendance last year at the longest running culinary arts festival in the country. The food fest is now ingrained into Cincinnati culture, and this year promises to be spectacular.

Any restaurant that can pony up the money for a booth is welcome to set up at Taste of Cincinnati, and this is evidenced with the inclusion of franchised booths such as P.F. Chang’s, Rusty Bucket and The Melting Pot. However, the spirit of Taste of Cincinnati is about trying the new and unexpected, so instead of gravitating towards a familiar favorite, try one of the many other booths from local independent restaurants with delicious treats you may not have had before. Snag some gazpacho from Hyde Park eatery Indigo, or perhaps Best of Taste winning entree Vegetarian Lasagna from Bella Luna. The real joy of Taste is stuffing yourself with delicious new experiences. The full menu and pricing for the Taste of Cincinnati is available online, so be sure to plan accordingly.

Another fantastic ingredient to the Taste of Cincinnati experience is the entertainment. Almost 70 musical acts are gracing the festival’s seven stages along 5th Street over the weekend. Some of the more notable performances include The Seedy Seeds; You, You’re Awesome; Daughters and Sons; The Minor Leagues; and Mia Carruthers and the Retros.

Even if you are not feeling hungry, it would be a travesty to miss out on the sheer musical awesomeness that is going to happen, and it is all free of charge! In addition to music, comedy acts will be included for the first time, with the headlining act being Josh Sneed.

We are so lucky to get the chance to stuff ourselves silly with delicious food this weekend. Please remember to bring a can or dry good with you to the festival, and drop it off at the Cincinnati USA-P&G booth on Fountain Square to support “Bringing Hope to the Table,” partnership with P&G and Kroger supporting the FreeStore Foodbank.  In exchange for the donation, guests will receive a coupon for a free reusable Kroger Shopping Bag and discount coupons to the Butterfly Show at Krohn Conservatory.

Those on Twitter can keep up with all that is happening at the Taste this weekend by using the hashtag #CincyTaste and by following @CincinnatiParty on Twitter.