News Politics

Breaking down the chatter

It seems that lately all you have to do is say something will turn out like the never-completed subway, the stadiums, The Banks, or the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center and your position of opposition immediately gains some sort of credibility. I don’t get it.

The connections are normally weak at best, and the projects are so incredibly different. What’s most disturbing though are the criticisms of the Freedom Center. Ever heard someone refer to the museum as a “handout?” Have you ever heard people criticize crimes committed by blacks in one sentence and then suggest turning the Freedom Center into a prison to solve Cincinnati’s jail overcrowding in the next?

I have, and on more than one occasion. I find it very surprising that this seemingly in your face racism is tolerated in public dialogue. People talk about the museum as being a drain on taxpayer dollars. Well guess what, it is quite typical for museums and other cultural institutions to receive public aid. Why single out this one institution over the others?

So while I’m upset that people use the museum as a way to somehow predict failure for other unrelated projects in an anecdotal fashion, I am even more upset that the overtly racist tone of those comments is even tolerated in the first place. We’re better than that Cincinnati.

News Politics

Greg Harris to replace Cranley on City Council

The wait is over for those anxious to hear who will replace John Cranley’s vacated seat on City Council. Anonymous sources tell UrbanCincy that fellow westsider, Greg Harris, will fill Cranley’s spot on council as determined by existing Council Democrats.

The appointment benefits all Cincinnatians as a very pro-streetcar Harris will replace one of the two opposition votes (Cranley, Monzel) to the streetcar proposal on council. Harris feels that, “streetcars offer incredible return on investment, and represent Cincinnati’s shot to generate hundreds of millions in new revenue. Let’s take this bold step to grow our prosperity as a city and region.” He goes on to say that, “Ultimately, we have to determine what kind of future we want for our city. Do we want to be a ‘Can Do’ city that leverages and inter-connects its tremendous assets? Do we want to be a green city that attracts and retains talent? The economic and environmental dividend of streetcars would help us realize this vision.”

In 2007, Cranley held up the process by repeatedly asking questions like whether busses running on painted lines could do the same thing as a fixed-rail streetcar, and how long it takes to walk from Fountain Square to Findlay Market (21 minute walk, 14 blocks) – something that could have easily been answered through a simple Google search like this.

The move of resignation was described as a business decision by Cranley. He cited that he wanted to focus his efforts more on his development work on the westside particularly in the Price Hill neighborhood.

Cranley would have been term-limited this election leaving a vacant seat behind during the November race. The move now allows another Democrat to run as a defacto incumbent come November. This is not the first time this resignation strategy has been employed as Cranley first got onto council in 2001 through Todd Portune’s resignation and more recently Roxanne Qualls was able to use the defacto incumbent role to her benefit as Jim Tarbell stepped aside before term limits in 2007.

Harris lost his run for City Council in 2007 and finished 15th in the overall vote tally (nine members on council). In 2002 and 2004 Harris ran unsuccessfully against Steve Chabot (R) for Ohio’s 1st Congressional District seat. In 2007 Cincinnati voters elected 100% of the candidates who were running as incumbents.

EDIT: WLWT News 5 confirms Harris appointment at 4:26pm


New CincyStreetcar Blog! has debuted a new weblog for the Cincinnati Streetcar. The website features general information about modern streetcars and has a specific route information/details for phase 1 of the system. The authors say that they plan to use the site as a means of connecting the dots on the Cincinnati Streetcar proposal.

Go CHECK IT OUT, link to the new site, add it to your blogroll, and comment on the stories so that your thoughts about the proposal are heard. Also in case you haven’t heard the Cincinnati Streetcar also has a new Facebook Page for your networking pleasure.

Arts & Entertainment Business News

Skate for cheap on Fountain Square

Cincinnati’s popular ice rink on Fountain Square is open every day through February 22nd, and thanks to some special deals you can take advantage of this seasonal attraction for as little as $1.03.

Skate rental will still be the same ($2.50) each time you visit, but the rink won’t be up for much longer so you should take advantage of it and these deals while they last. If you’re one of those young people taking advantage of the noon-5pm special I would recommend getting down there for some lunch (try Javier’s for something good, warm, local, and cheap) and then hitting up the rink.

Families should get down there and then enjoy a carriage ride around Downtown on those lazy Sunday afternoons. Maybe grab some breakfast at Tazza Mia before you set the kids lose on the ice rink. And for the DJ and Radio Skates I would recommend hitting up a nearby happy hour before hand to really get the party started and make things a little interesting out there on the ice rink.

  • Radio Skates, every Friday from 6-10pm through 2/20. Kiss 107 FM and Mojo 100.3 FM will offer admission for $1.07 and $1.03 respectively.
  • DJ Skates, every Saturday from 7-10pm between 1/10 and 2/21. Regular admission ($2.50) but skaters will enjoy free entertainment from a DJ.
  • Family Skates, every Sunday from 10am-2pm. Children under 12 years of age get free admission and will be joined by a host of characters like Rufus the Library Dog (1/11).
  • High School/College Nights, Monday through Friday every week from noon-5pm. High school and college students, with a valid student ID, skate for free.

Photo Credit:


Thinking big in a bold, new Cincinnati

Is it possible? That’s the question I find myself asking more and more lately. Cincinnati has been doing a number of great things lately and the place we all love seems to be making positive strides in a number of areas (i.e. education, public safety). With all of these positive steps forward there seems to be a never-ending list of more items that we all want to see happen.

There seems to be a large contingent of people out there who want to see the region’s transportation system improved. Maybe it’s light rail, streetcars, buses, bridges, or something else. You might like the idea of one, some, or even all of these…or maybe you like parts of some and not of others. That’s not what I’m talking about.

What I want to know is are we capable of doing several of these things without jeopardizing the others? I am in favor of the streetcar system, but I would also like to see our bus system reformed and expanded. I would also like to see a light rail system that goes right along with a regional high speed rail system connecting urban centers across the Midwest.

It is not an either/or proposition here. We can have improved bus service AND invest in the beginnings of a comprehensive streetcar system. We can rebuild I-75 through Queensgate and the West End while also incorporating “green” strategies and reconnecting neighborhoods. And I think we can repopulate Over-the-Rhine without also displacing or harming the current residents there. It’s just a matter of will, and I think Cincinnati is starting to build up the necessary will to be able to act in such a way (see The Banks, QCS II). Are you on board?

Photo By Jake Mecklenburg –