
Cincy’s own Heartless Bastards on Letterman

They’re from Cincinnati, David, not Austin. Great performance, great band.

Additional Reading:
Heartless Bastards On Letterman + Bonus MP3 – Each Note Secure
Video of Heartless Bastards on Letterman – CityBeat


PechaKucha debuts in Cincinnati

Cincinnati will be joining the global PechaKucha craze on Friday, February 13th at the Contemporary Arts Center (GoogleMap) downtown. There are currently 168 cities worldwide that have their own regular PechaKucha events typically on a quarterly basis.

The Cincinnati events are being organized by a collection of designers led by Greg Lewis. Like the other chapters, Cincinnati is planning four events for 2009 including the one on Friday. The events are known as being part social, part art, and part ideas. At the first PechaKucha Night Cincinnati you will see presentations by designers, artists, architects, professors, and others.

The dozen presentations or so will begin at 8pm and last until roughly 10pm. Prior to that, guests are invited to tour the CAC galleries, grab a cocktail, and check out the latest exhibits from Tara Donovan and Donald Sultan starting at 6:30pm. After the presentations conclude there will be a DJ to keep the party going right there at the CAC.

Tickets cost $10 for CAC members and $15 for non-members. It is recommended that you bring your ID as there will not be any physical tickets for the event – they will be cross-checking the orders with your ID. Both members and non-members, to the CAC, can order their tickets through the PechaKucha Cincinnati website.

PechaKucha (pronounced Peh-Chak-Cha) is a forum for creative people to informally share their work in public. The name comes from the Japanese term for the sound of conversation (chit-chat). The idea is to give creative individuals a public forum to share their ideas. The presentations are meant to be visually telling, informative, and to the point. PechaKucha uses as 20×20 format – 20 images, 20 seconds each. The result is 6 minutes and 40 seconds of “exquisitely matched words and images that transforms presentations into a compelling beat-the-clock performance art.”

Pecha Kucha – the chit-chat, low-down on Cincinnati’s hottest designers – Soapbox Media


Streetcar debate tomorrow at UC

The CincyStreetcar Blog informs us that there will be an Urban Transportation Debate in regards to the streetcar proposal here in Cincinnati. The event is being hosted by the Center for Sustainable Urban Environments at the University of Cincinnati.

The debate will be held Thursday, February 12th at 4pm inside Swift Hall Room 500 (GoogleMap) on UC’s Main Campus. The debate will pit streetcar proponent John Schneider against streetcar opponent Jason Haap.

John Schneider vs. Jason Haap

John Schneider is Chairman of the Alliance for Regional Transit and Managing Director for First Valley Corp. He has been taking Cincinnatians to tour Portland to see its modern streetcar and light rail systems for several years. John was also one of the driving forces behind the burying and narrowing of Fort Washington Way which has led to the mega riverfront development known as The Banks. Jason Haap is Publisher for the Cincinnati Beacon – a blog turned published opinion paper.

There is no posted ending time for the debate, but everyone is invited to continue the discussion over coffee and food at TAZA afterwards. There is also a Facebook event page for this that you can RSVP to and share with your friends.


A bid farewell to Dr. Nancy Zimpher

As I am completing the final year of my five-year program I feel compelled to write a little bit on my thoughts about the only University of Cincinnati President I’ve known. Dr. Nancy Zimpher came to UC shortly before I started my academic career there and a lot has changed since then.

The once “out of control” budget has been tamed and is on its way to be balanced. UC is no longer joked about as standing for Under Construction. Academics have improved across the board with higher enrollment standards, reformed programs, and increased achievement. The university is emerging as a major research institution as the amount of research funding continues to rise annually.

The University has embarked on its most ambitious fund-raising campaign ever, rivaling some of the most ambitious campaigns run anywhere. UC is no longer considered a one sport school as our baseball, volleyball, soccer, football, and basketball programs are all competing at the highest level in the Big East Conference.

More students are living on and around campus – shedding the long thought idea that UC is a commuter school. Dr. Zimpher helped lead the effort to freeze tuition at State universities, she has been a proponent for the proposed streetcar system, and she has worked tirelessly to make the Uptown neighborhoods surrounding the university better places to live, work, and play.

Dr. Zimpher pushed for a strategic academic plan that put students at the center of it all. UC|21 has done just that as more students are getting involved, letting their voices be heard, and shaping the way their university does business.

Dr. Zimpher has gone out of her way to make it known that academics come first, no matter what, when she is in charge. The Board of Trustees have some hard work ahead of them to fill the void she’ll leave behind, but thanks to her, UC is now on the map and should be a prime destination for another top-level talent like herself.

Thanks for everything you’ve done for our region’s largest employer, university and city. Thanks for making my five years at the University of Cincinnati great, and good luck with your new endeavor as Chancellor of the State University of New York.

Read Dr. Zimpher’s farewell letter to the UC Community here.

Photo Credit – UC Magazine


Historic Bank Street Demolitions (update)

Several weeks ago local and regional preservationists united in an attempt to raise awareness of a potential demolition of four historic buildings in Cincinnati’s West End neighborhood. Emails were sent, calls were made, and awareness was reached to a certain extent.

Paul Wilham led these efforts locally and did not have much luck in getting a response back from the Mayor’s office on the matter. I sent my own email out on January 9th to all nine members of City Council and the Mayor’s office. Last week I got a response from Council member Leslie Ghiz (thank you) that included comments from the City’s Code Enforcement Division and Historic Preservation Department.

833-839 Bank Street – Photo by Kevin LeMaster

In the response there were several pieces of useful information. Code Enforcement clarified that the City primarily funds its demolitions with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). This money is not allowed to be used in demolitions that might have an “adverse impact on a historic structure” as is the case for the Bank Street properties (Streetview). As a result of this contingency, the City engages in very little demolition work of historic structures.

In the particular case here it is the private owner who is preparing to demolish these structures – not the City. The current owners, the Reed family, have applied for the demolition permits and can go forth with the demolitions as planned unless something extraordinary happens.

The Reed family has been the subject of code enforcement actions in the past. Criminal prosecution even occurred in relation to compliance issues for 839 Bank Street. As a result the City has attempted to secure the buildings by barricading them on seven different instances since 2006. The Division cites that they have “no immediate plans to demolish these buildings by governmental action,” and that the owner can choose to either demolish the structures as they currently have planned, or they can bring the properties into compliance through repair.

The question was then asked if approval is needed, from the Historic Conservation Office, for private demolition in this historic district. The response was that in this particular case the answer appears to be “no.”

Additional Reading:
“West End Buildings Doomed” – Building Cincinnati