Month in Review

Month in Review – August 2010

During the month of August, UrbanCincy published several articles laying out a long-term vision for the city.  David Cole compared Cincinnati to Chicago, pointing out what we should—and shouldn’t—learn from our neighbor to the northwest.  Jake Mecklenborg analyzed the Eastern Corridor rail plan and explained why it might not currently be the best plan for Cincinnati.  Randy Simes reported on Cincinnati’s success in completely remaking its riverfront, and criticized Peter Bronson’s piece attacking The Banks and the Cincinnati Streetcar.

UrbanCincy’s top 5 articles for the month of August were:

  1. Unraveling the urban differences of Cincinnati and Chicago
    The first and most obvious difference between Cincinnati and Chicago is one of sheer scale. While driving through Indiana on the way to Chicago from Cincinnati, the transition from rural cornfields to suburban sprawl began while I was still a good 40 miles away from the Chicago Loop. Here in Cincinnati, 40 miles in any direction from Fountain Square would be considered far into the hinterland.
  2. Breaking down Cincinnati’s Eastern Corridor passenger rail plan
    At first glance it would appear that implementation of commuter rail service on the Oasis Line should require nothing more than the purchase of commuter trains and the construction of a connection between the end of active tracks and the Riverfront Transit Center. Unfortunately, the poor condition of the existing track limits traffic to a maximum twelve miles per hour.
  3. Jean-Robert’s Table to open in downtown Cincinnati August 10th
    Unanticipated construction delays, and personal reasons pushed back the original opening of Jean-Robert’s Table for the famed Cincinnati chef. The new restaurant is Jean-Robert de Cavel’s first since parting ways with long-time restaurant partners Martin and Marilyn Wade.
  4. Cincinnati’s dramatic, multi-billion dollar riverfront revitalization nearly complete
    Several decades ago Cincinnati leaders embarked on a plan to dramatically change the face of the city’s central riverfront. Aging industrial uses and a congested series of highway ramps was to be replaced by two new professional sports venues, six new city blocks of mixed-use development, a new museum, a central riverfront park, and parking garages that would lift the development out of the Ohio River’s 100-year flood plain.
  5. Cincinnati’s old money attacks the future with the promise of a failed past
    What was interesting about Bronson’s story is that he took a platform for which he enthusiastically touted the new tower and how it was accomplished, and turned it into an opportunity to lob attacks at other major projects like the Cincinnati Streetcar and The Banks development along the central riverfront. It took Bronson no more than eleven sentences before he dove head-first into his attack of both projects.
Arts & Entertainment News

Six@Six Lecture Series to offer engaging public forums on six unique topics

The inaugural Six@Six Lecture Series presented by Northern Kentucky University (NKU) will begin this Wednesday, September 1. The gatherings will focus on a variety of topics, and take place at three of the more interesting historic and cultural venues in Cincinnati’s urban core.

The format is simple: six very different speakers, six different topics, all starting at 6pm, with a cost of $6.00 per lecture for adults (students free with valid ID). The Mercantile Library in downtown, Behringer-Crawford Museum in Devou Park, and the Carnegie Visual & Performing Arts Center in Covington will serve as the three venues being used over the course of the lecture series.

Five of the six speakers are full-time NKU faculty members with the sixth being a part of the NKU Military History Lecture Series program. The Six@Six Lecture Series will include a 60-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute question and answer period. The series will run through April 2011.

To get things started, one of NKU’s most celebrated professors, James Ramage, will give a lecture on Abraham Lincoln as a public speaker. The Regents Professor out of NKU’s Department of History & Geography says that while history has shown Lincoln to be one of the most prolific and respected speakers in United States history, he did not always fit the part and did not carry the physical presence that most of our celebrated leaders do today.  Later lectures will include topics on:

  • ‘The Art of the Quilt: Stitched [Hist]stories’ by Dr. Kimberly Allen-Kattus – 10/21/2010
  • ‘Covering the World in a Dangerous Age’ by  John Daniszewski – 11/11/2010
  • ‘Amazing Caves, Amazing Microbes: The Geomicrobiology of Caves’ by Dr. Hazel Barton – 12/7/2010
  • ‘Simple Gifts’ from Our Past: Frontier Shakers in the Ohio River Valley’ by Dr. Carol Medlicott – 3/31/2011
  • ‘The Marriage of Music & Word: Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Fearless Carousel’ by Dr. Mark Hardy – 4/13/2011

Dr. Ramage’s lecture on Abraham Lincoln’s public prowess will take place on Wednesday, September 1 from 6pm to 8pm at the Mercantile Library (map). On- and off-street automobile parking is available in the immediate area for cash rates. Meanwhile, free bicycle parking is also available in the immediate area and virtually all Metro bus routes (plan your trip) serve this location via the Government Square Transit Hub.

Arts & Entertainment News Transportation

Metro to modify route, increase frequencies on Route 1

Metro officials have announced that route changes will be made to Route 1 in October. Officials state that the changes are intended to better serve local residents and visitors to the Queen City looking to take advantage of the large number of cultural institutions along the route.

The modified service will connect more than 40 cultural institutions throughout Cincinnati’s center city neighborhoods. Changes will include new 30-foot hybrid buses funded by the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act that will operate with greater frequency. As a result, riders will benefit from 30 minute bus intervals operating seven days a week.

The new route will also undergo a light-hearted name modification as it is transformed into “Route 1: The One for Fun.”

“The One for Fun will connect the dots of fun in Cincinnati,” said Dave Etienne, Metro’s Marketing Director in a prepared release. “On the Rt. 1, it’s just ten minutes from downtown to Museum Center or from downtown to the Art Museum or Krohn Conservatory. It will be a convenient way to travel to dozens of Cincinnati’s treasures.”

Metro officials will be hosting an open house on Wednesday, September 8 from 3pm to 6pm at the transit agency’s headquarters (12th floor) in downtown Cincinnati. At the open house, current and future riders will have a chance to get an up close look at the forthcoming changes.

Development News Politics

Cincinnati’s old money attacks the future with the promise of a failed past

If you had thought that former Enquirer columnist Peter Bronson was gone, you were wrong. In the most recent publication of Cincy Magazine (not to be confused with Cincinnati Magazine), Bronson wrote a vanity piece about the new $322 million Great American Tower at Queen City Square.

The 800,000 square-foot office tower is adding a large amount of modern office space to Cincinnati’s central business district while also dramatically altering the city’s famous skyline long dominated by the historic Carew and Central Trust towers. What was interesting about Bronson’s story is that he took a platform for which he enthusiastically touted the new tower and how it was accomplished, and turned it into an opportunity to lob attacks at other major projects like the Cincinnati Streetcar and The Banks development along the central riverfront. It took Bronson no more than eleven sentences before he dove head-first into his attack of both projects.

“But the biggest building project since Carew Tower in 1930 has been overlooked, as politcos and mediacrats chatter about streetcar fantasies and the geologic progress on The Banks,” Bronson exclaimed. “While City Hall itches to spend more than $100 million on trolleys, while county leaders lean on chrome shovels and declare victory on the 14-year Banks promise, the $400 million Great American Tower has risen from the ground like Jack’s Metropolis beanstalk.”

Aside from Bronson’s factual errors about the tower’s price tag, it being the largest building project since Carew Tower (The Banks, UC complete rebuild, hospitals, Paul Brown Stadium, Great American Ball Park), or his odd comparison with Tabart’s famous English fairy tale, what is most striking is his unprompted attack on other major development projects to help further promote his beloved metropolis beanstalk.

The new tower does speak to Cincinnati’s ability to get things done during tough economic times, but lets not forget that the Great American Tower at Queen City Square is a vision that dates back to the 1980s as Atrium III, then more contemporaneously in the 90’s with the Queen City Square moniker. At that point the tower was envisioned as a towering brick skyscraper complete with a dramatic spire on top. But aside from that, Mr. Bronson continued.

“In less time than it took to name The Banks or buy one streetcar, Barrett and the Lindners at Great American Insurance have remodeled Cincinnati.”

Now there is a name we all know…the Lindners, Cincinnati’s old money power family. Over the years, the Lindners have at some point owned Kings Island, the ATP Tennis Center, Chiquita, Great American Insurance, United Dairy Farmers, and even the Cincinnati Reds. But what does this have to do with The Banks development or the Cincinnati Streetcar, well Mr. Bronson gives us some insight later in the same Cincy Magazine piece.

“The city has put $5.5 million into infrastructure improvements for Queen City Square, but Western & Southern put up nearly 10 times that much, and has invested $500 million in city projects over the past six years. “If the government subsidizes it, it’s not going to work,” Barrett says. “We need private money in it, our stake. That’s the entrepreneurial spirit.”

Ok, now we’re getting somewhere. Those conservative talking points ring loud and clear to anyone who has advanced beyond middle school social studies.

In 2004, the Lindner family raised more than $300,000 for the Republican Party through their regular household parties and other events, and in 2005, Carl Lindner Jr. was among a mere 53 entities that gave a maximum $250,000 to support the second inauguration of the beloved President George W. Bush.

So what Bronson has done, is effectively frame both the Cincinnati Streetcar and The Banks development as some sort of government subsidized projects that have been poorly run, thus further supporting the conservative talking points littered throughout this Cincy Magazine story. The problem is that Mr. Bronson failed to mention that Queen City Square also received $45 million from the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority (which also owns the land) in addition to the millions of dollars it received from the city.

The problem here is not just the overtly political leanings of this story, but rather the unnecessary and unprompted attacks of other development projects in the area. The Cincinnati Streetcar is expected to be taking on its first passengers in early 2013, and the first-phase of The Banks will house its first resident next spring. This means that in a span of six years the Cincinnati Streetcar will not only have been envisioned, planned, funded, but built as well. Meanwhile, The Banks will have its first-phase completed in 14 years which includes two stadiums, a reconstructed Fort Washington Way, museum, and transit center. Both projects will have been completed in significantly less time than the 30-year vision that has been Queen City Square.

So what does this tell us? Well firstly it tells us that large development projects take significant amounts of time. It also tells us that the old money, political interests in Cincinnati are still strong and they are still fighting to remain relevant as a new generation steps up to the plate with a new vision for Cincinnati.

Over the past 50 years, this old generation has overseen Cincinnati through a period of decline.  Now a new generation wants to restore Cincinnati to its previous stature and beyond.  So, the final thing this tells us is that the next generation of leaders and visionaries will have to fight to rip control away from the cold death grip of Cincinnati’s old money power brokers who still obviously have the influence and authority to do what they wish.

Arts & Entertainment News

Brew Ha-Ha returns to Sawyer Point for 4th straight year this weekend

Comedy and beer will come together this weekend as Cincinnati Brew Ha-Ha returns to Sawyer Point. Now in its fourth year, the event will feature 50 comedians on three stages, 80 beers, live music, and plenty of food.

This year’s comedic headliners are Bobcat Goldthwait (Friday) and Tim Wilson (Saturday). Organizers say that with a full schedule of comedians and live bands, there is bound to be something for everyone.

The event will feature a vast collection of craft beer including a wide assortment of Cincinnati-area beers like Christian Moerlein, Samuel Adams, Alltech (makers of the famous Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale), and Rivertown brewers. The food will also be local and offer up Italian, German, Cincinnati-style chili, and barbecue food options.

In addition to the stand-up comedy, food and beer, event-goers will be treated to live music from The SwimSuitModels on Friday, and the Stays in Vegas Band on Saturday.

The 2010 Cincinnati Brew Ha-Ha will run from 5pm to midnight on Friday, and 4pm to midnight on Saturday at Sawyer Point. Admission is free, allowing everyone to enjoy the comedy. To drink, guests must purchase a $5 wristband and tickets for $1 each. One ticket will get you a sample size of beer, and four tickets will get you a full serving.

Automobile parking will be available at Sawyer Point (map), but in the name of safety, Brew Ha-Ha may be the perfect event for utilizing Metro bus service. Free bicycle parking is also available for this event.