Up To Speed

The Southeast continues to grow, but is it quality economic growth?

The Southeast continues to grow, but is it quality economic growth?.

The Southeast continues to attract a large number of jobs from states in the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast. But it turns out that these jobs tend to be lower paying and lower-skilled jobs than those that are remaining and growing in those other regions. More from the Seattle Times:

Needy states bid against each other for data centers, which can be the slag heaps of the technology business with serious issues about high energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and whether the few jobs created are worth the massive giveaways the companies receive.

Google is clustering its engineering and executive talent in or near attractive cities. For example, the company is adding space quickly in San Francisco, including near the Embarcadero. You get what you pay for, and quality urban centers are increasingly magnets for the most sought-after employees.

Business News Politics Transportation

Special Streetcar Meeting Called by Roxanne Qualls in Light of Funding Issues

On Tuesday, City Manager Milton Dohoney sent a memo to council members that said after a thorough review of the bid process, construction of the streetcar tracks, electrical equipment, and maintenance facility will cost $17 million more than the city had budgeted. This news raises the total cost of the project from $110 million to approximately $127 million.

As a result Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls (C), Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, has called a special meeting April 29 at 6pm. Dohoney will report on the costs of cancelling Cincinnati’s streetcar project, which broke ground in 2012.

Utility relocation work has been underway for more than a year, and fabrication of five streetcars began at CAF’s facility in Zaragoza, Spain in early 2013. The City of Cincinnati reports that $20.3 million has been spent on the streetcar project to date.

Two failed ballot initiatives meant to kill the Cincinnati Streetcar, and the revocation of $51.8M from TRAC have delayed temporarily set back the project for years. Photograph by Jake Mecklenborg for UrbanCincy.

So far Cincinnati’s streetcar has been the recipient of three federal grants totaling $39.9 million dollars. If the project is cancelled, the city will likely have to reimburse the federal government for whatever grant funds have been spent. Additionally, it will either need to cancel its contract with CAF or sell the five streetcars to another city after they are completed in 2014.

Planning for the streetcar project began in late 2006. A study was completed in 2007 and funding was assembled in 2008. On the cusp of groundbreaking, COAST, the notorious local anti-tax group, mounted a petition drive that saw an anti-streetcar charter amendment placed on the November 2009 ballot. Issue 9 was defeated, but it succeeded in delaying the project by a year.

During that same election, John Kasich (R) was elected governor of Ohio. He immediately cancelled Ohio’s 3C Passenger Rail project, scuttled state funding for new express Metro routes funded under outgoing Governor Ted Strickland (D), and appointed Jerry Wray chair of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).

In April 2011, the Transit Review Advisory Committee (TRAC), also chaired by Wray, cancelled $51.8 million in state for Cincinnati’s streetcar project and directed the funds to railroad overpass projects in rural Ohio.

Without its largest grant, a connection to the University of Cincinnati was removed from the project’s first phase.

Sensing weakness, COAST mounted another petition drive and again succeeded in placing an anti-streetcar charter amendment on the ballot. Issue 48 was defeated but succeeded in delaying the project for another full year.

In that same election, all incumbent Republicans, with the exception of Charlie Winburn, were swept from council and replaced by a 6-3 pro-streetcar majority. The project broke ground in February 2012 but the track, electrical, and car barn contract was delayed by litigation between the City and Duke Energy.

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) ruled in the city’s favor in late 2012 and the project was put out to bid in February 2013.

Bids came in significantly higher than the city budgeted, and on April 29 council will hear the cost of cancelling the project verses continuing with the project as planned, presumably after voting to sell $17 million more in bonds.

After this rise in the project’s cost from $110 million to $127 million, annual debt service paid from the city’s capital fund will be approximately $4 million. Operations costs, paid from the operations general fund, will be about $3 million.

The $7 million annual cost to operate the streetcar system will consume less than 2% of the city’s annual $400 million budget.

Up To Speed

Renters in Ohio need only $13.79/hour to live ‘comfortably’

Renters in Ohio need only $13.79/hour to live ‘comfortably’.

A new report shows that many Americans do not make enough money to be able to afford fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment. Ohio’s current minimum wage was raised to $7.85 an hour in January and includes an annual cost-of-living escalator. Fortunately in Ohio the average family needs to earn only $13.79 an hour, which is lower than the national average, in order to live comfortably. More from Next City:

To comfortably afford housing in the U.S. in 2013, according to the NLIHC, a renter must earn $18.79 an hour. That is much higher than the $14.32 hourly wage earned by the average renter, and more than double the $7.25 national minimum wage (not to mention President Obama’s proposed increase to a $9 minimum wage).

Beyond the grim big picture, data shows that blacks and Hispanics carry an added burden. While over half of the people who cannot afford housing are white, 48 percent of all African-American families and 46.6 percent of Hispanic families have insufficient income to pay the average fair market rent for a two-bedroom apartment ($977), according to analysis by the Poverty and Race Research Action Council.

Business Development News

PHOTOS: $80M Mixed-Use Development Nears Completion in Clifton Heights

Since 2000, the University of Cincinnati’s surroundings have changed dramatically – many homes and a few landmark buildings were demolished for construction of Stetson Square, McMillan Manor, University Park Apartments, and 65 West. U Square at the Loop, a 161-unit, $80 million midrise situated between McMillan and Calhoun Streets, has been under construction for more than a year and is scheduled for occupancy on August 1.

The development includes over a dozen street-level commercial spaces, an office building that has been rented by the University of Cincinnati, and a site fronting McMillan Street where a hotel is planned. Apartment prices range between $695 for studios to $2,350 for penthouses with balconies.

U Square at The Loop

Reserved parking spaces in the development’s two garages will cost $95/month. Unlike other new apartment complexes in the area, units at U Square at the Loop can be rented by non-students.

In the early 2000s the site where U Square at the Loop is being built was partially cleared for a very different development – a 360-unit condo midrise dubbed McMillan Park that had been in planning since 1999. The two phases of the development were planned above two underground parking garages totaling 900 spaces, and planned units ranged from $160,000 for a one bedroom to $800,000 for a penthouse.

That project was to be financed by the University of Cincinnati, the site assembled by the City of Cincinnati through eminent domain, and the project managed by the Clifton Heights Community Urban Redevelopment Corporation (CHCURC). Demolition of properties began in 2003, but litigation involving the owners of Acropolis Chili, Inn the Wood, and two fast food restaurants was not resolved until 2007, a year after the university withdrew its funding.

In 2008 Towne Properties became the project’s developer, and the long-vacant Hardee’s and Arby’s that had been the subject of eminent domain litigation were demolished that summer.

Renderings depicting a development similar to what is nearing completion in 2013 were published that fall, and the project was dubbed Uptown Commons in 2009. The project’s name changed again to U Square at the Loop in 2010 and construction began in 2012.

News Opinion Politics

EDITORIAL: Long Trail of Referendums Limit City’s Budget Options

Congratulations, Cincinnati, on earning the honorable distinction of being one of the worst budgeted cities in the country. However the city did not earn this coveted distinction by lack of competent leadership, instead it was earned through the gradual tying of hands of government officials through a series of voter referendums.

To start, Cincinnati’s budget woes did not come from one single project or expenditure; it came instead through a series of political promises, bad decisions, and some funding conditions that are beyond the city’s control.

Most recently, the State of Ohio cut over $20 million in funding to Cincinnati when it reduced its Local Government Fund. Additionally, the elimination of the estate tax fund subtracted another estimated $15 million from the city’s projected revenues. If these funds were in place, the budget would be balanced and the recent parking modernization and lease plan would not need to be on the table.

Realizing as early as 2006 that the City’s budget position was headed in a fiscally unsustainable direction, City Manager Milton Dohoney proposed to spin-off Greater Cincinnati Water Works into its own entity. The deal would have created a regional water district, similar to the Northern Kentucky Water District, and would have generated $6-12 million in annual revenue for the city with increases over time.

Cincinnati Skyline

In 2009 COAST and the Cincinnati chapter of the NAACP successfully led a campaign to put the issue on the November ballot. It may be difficult to recall but that’s because another issue dominated that year’s election, Issue 9. So as Cincinnatians for Progress and other Cincinnati voters rallied together to fight for rail transit in defeating Issue 9, Issue 8, which prevented the sale of Greater Cincinnati Water Works, passed with very little debate.

Again City leaders were forced to find another way to plug the budget gap. To address the budget shortfalls of 2010 and 2011, City Manager Milton Dohoney asked City Council to levy a trash collection fee to help address the budget shortfall. City Council rejected the idea, echoing the concerns of their constituents, which is reflective of representative democracy in action.

But that wasn’t enough for some, so in 2011 as progressives were once again fighting against another anti-rail ballot initiative, Issue 48, Issue 47, the referendum banning the city’s ability to levy a trash collection fee, passed with little debate. Again, both referendums came from the same two groups.

So in a classic stroke of misdirection, every strategy that the city has attempted to use to climb out of a budget deficit has been met with a referendum, making it more difficult or impossible to fix the problem.

The latest, the parking modernization and lease deal, may likely be met with yet another referendum. And signing the petition being circulated will put the issue up for a vote, but not before the City of Cincinnati is forced to lay off 344 employees, close pools and cut other services.

The reason this is happening immediately is due to the change in the City’s fiscal year, which now starts on July 1, and with the temporary restraining order placed on the City by Republican Party-endorsed Judge Robert C. Winkler with regards to using emergency ordinance procedures, City officials will now need to have a budget in place by June 30 to allow for the 30-day waiting period required. If new revenues are not found, then services will have to be cut.

The narrative that the City of Cincinnati is continually unable to balance its own checkbook does Cincinnati and the region no good, and is flat out untrue. The suburbs, the townships and the three states that Cincinnati is connected to need the city and the heart of the region to be vibrant, successful and attractive. Not for our own sake but because this city is still climbing out of the riots, still in fly-over country and still associated with the Rust Belt (undeservedly so).

City leaders have worked hard to retain and attract talent to the region, creating a new neighborhood in The Banks, building a new skyscraper, and rehabilitating Over-the-Rhine. Out-of-towners don’t think of West Chester when they hear Cincinnati any more than people think of Southfield when they hear Detroit. The condition, reputation and quality of the actual city itself is the magnet that draws economic growth to the city, to Sharonville, West Chester and even to Anderson Township.

The City has a right to govern itself by choosing the people that lead them not in the single-mindedness of an endless referendum cycle. That is the nature of representative democracy, one that our nation’s founding fathers recognized 225 years ago and one that we should preserve today.