Arts & Entertainment News

Queen City Underground tours through OTR start Memorial Day weekend

The wildly successful Newport Gangster Tour started last summer during Italianfest. What was meant to be a one weekend event caught fire and ran all the way through Halloween with great crowds and even better stories about the history of Newport. While those tours continue through 2010, the group has expanded with a new Cincinnati walking tour called Queen City Underground through historic Over-the-Rhine that will begin this Memorial Day weekend.

UrbanCincy was invited along for a sneak peek this past weekend during the OTR Summer Celebration and we walked away very impressed. The Newport tour is full of great stories and is presented in a way that is not only educational but also fun, and the Queen City tour is much the same. We met in front of Mica 12/v and soon headed north along Vine Street. Asked to put our minds into the 1880s when Boss Cox was in power in Cincinnati, many stories were shared of theaters, saloons, and even “Murder College.”

While the tour stops along the way to point out different places of interest along with their accompanying stories, the thing that makes this tour a little different than the Newport companion is the chance to get into some of the buildings along the way. Without divulging all of the tour’s secrets, one of the highlights has to be the trip into what was the Kauffman Brewery in Guildhaus building on Vine, just north of Liberty Street. The Queen City Underground Tour really takes you underground here into the former lagering cellars that were rediscovered not that long ago and are usually only open to the public during the popular (and always sold out) Prohibition Resistance Tours during Bockfest.

Queen City Underground photography by Travis Estell

The Queen City Underground walking tours last approximately 90 minutes, and present a great way to get to know the historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. The total trek is just over one-mile with some tight spots along the way as you head into the cellars, so it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes if you are interested in attending. Tours taking place this Memorial Day weekend include the following times:

  • Saturday May 29th – 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm, & 4:30pm
  • Sunday May 30th – 12:30pm, 2:30pm, & 4:30pm
  • Monday May 31st – 12:30pm & 2:30pm

Tickets for this coming weekend are $15 and can be purchased (cash only) upon arrival. A good reminder too is that both the Newport and Cincinnati tours have charitable benefits as well. With the help of these fundraisers, many Northern Kentucky students are able to go to Jamaica and help those less fortunate.

Either tour makes for a great compliment to Taste of Cincinnati which is this weekend. We recommend spending time sampling some local food and getting to know more about the wonderful history in Cincinnati’s dynamic urban core.

News Politics Transportation

Cincinnati City Council celebrates Bike to Work Week

Last week several Cincinnati City Council members took to the streets, on their bicycles, for a ceremonial ride from City Hall to Fountain Square for National Bike to Work Week.  The Bike Month celebration encouraged individuals to commute to work by bike instead of by car.  In Cincinnati, Queen City Bike established bicycle commuter stations all over the city to help motivate even more to ditch their automobiles.

Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls, Laure Quinlivan, Laketa Cole and Jeff Berding were those participating last week from Cincinnati’s City Council.  After arriving at Fountain Square, the four council members addressed the crowd on-hand, and took part in the festivities taking place.

The following photographs were taken by Thadd Fiala.

Arts & Entertainment News

WatchThis presents Indiana Jones at 20th Century Theatre – 5/26

Alex Shebar and Allison Johnson are on a mission to watch all of the American Film Institute’s top 100 films in a year. They have been hosting screenings all year in various locations, and today marks the most epic film viewing yet as WatchThis hosts a free showing of Raiders of the Lost Ark at the historic 20th Century Theatre in Oakley.

The classic Indiana Jones movie will be shown on the theater’s movie screen and will be the largest venue to date out of the 40 movies viewed thus far. Alex and Allison are hoping that they can “pack the house” and are encouraging people to bring their friends and a healthy appetite.

Admission is free, and food and drink (including alcoholic beverages) will be available for purchase.  The movie will start at 7pm tonight at the 20th Century Theatre on Madison Road (map).  Free bicycle parking is available nearby, and Metro bus service is available (plan your trip).

News Transportation

Metro to award free bus passes to best transit story submissions

On Thursday, May 27 Metro will kick off their “Tell Us Your Story” contest on Fountain Square from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Organizers say that the event will include table displays, entertainment, prizes, giveaways and tours will be available on one of Metro’s new articulated buses to be parked on Walnut Street.

The contest asks for video or written entries that tell a story about how transit benefits you or your community in terms of the economy and jobs, the environment, energy independence, and quality of life. Those submitting entries can submit videos or written entries Metro’s website, or by submitting your written entry via email on a form provided on the transit agency’s website.

Entries will be accepted from Thursday, May 27 through Saturday, July 31 of this year. The top four video and top four written entries will be selected and awarded a one-month Metro bus pass. Two grand prize winners will be selected by the public between August 3rd and August 31st with the two grand prize winners receiving a year of free rides on Metro.

Arts & Entertainment Business News

EACC to host walking tour of Over-the-Rhine’s historic Brewery District – 6/5

The European-American Chamber of Commerce (EACC) YP Committee is hosting a walking tour of Over-the-Rhine’s historic Brewery District on Saturday, June 5 from 1pm to 3pm. Organizers with the EACC say that the tour will focus on the European influence on the architecture and diversity of cultures found within the district.

The Brewery District Tour is part of YP Committee’s 3-D/Multi-Dimensional Series that focuses on Discovery, Diversity and Development.

“The tour will highlight Cincinnati’s German heritage as we learn how German immigrants brought their beer brewing skills to Cincinnati,” said Anne Capel, EACC Executive Director. “We’ll learn about Cincinnati’s beer barons like Christian Moerlein and Ludwig Hudephol, the historic breweries they built, and experience first hand the European/American culture that infused the neighborhoods around them.”

In addition to experiencing Christian Moerlein and Ludwig Hudephol, attendees will also tour Clyffside, Lafayette and Jackson Breweries as guided by the Brewery District Foundation. The Brewery District, Over-the-Rhine and Cincinnati to a much larger extent was heavily influenced by German immigrants that brought customs, dialects, religions, occupations and classes with them that are still often found today in the region.

“The Over-the-Rhine neighborhood has recently become a focal point of renewed interest in Cincinnati history and culture,” explained Capel. “The Germans’ entrepreneurship skills built the brewing industry in a part of the neighborhood which we call today the Brewery District. Due to this industry and various others, commercial activity of the area became centered on Findlay Market.”

Registration is open to anyone interested, but the tour is limited to 40 people. Registration is open until Tuesday, June 1st, but those interested are encouraged to register early due to the limited availability. Tickets can be purchased online for $15, and include a free beer during the networking and socializing time at the Findlay Market Biergarten after the tour. Organizers state that tickets will be fully refunded if there is inclement weather.

The tour group will meet at the Over-the-Rhine Biergarten (map), located on the southwest side of the Market House along Elm Street, at 1pm.  Free bicycle parking is available at Findlay Market along with on- and off-street automobile parking.  Metro bus service is also available (plan your trip).

Get a taste of Over-the-Rhine’s historic Brewery District and its treasures by watching this great video.