News Transportation

Cincinnati’s Northside community celebrates region’s first on-street bike corral

Today Northside residents and business owners will be gathering with bicycling advocates at Lingo Street and Hamilton Avenue to celebrate the installation of the region’s first on-street bike corral.

The City of Cincinnati first began working on the new bike corral last month. Now complete, the bike corral removes one on-street automobile parking space and creates 12 on-street bicycle parking spaces. The bike corral project is the first of its kind in the region, and is similar in scope to recent projects in Portland and Seattle.

“Providing plenty of convenient and secure bicycle parking is a critical aspect of serving those who currently use bicycles for transportation and encouraging future cyclists,” said Michael Moore, Interim Director of the Department of Transportation & Engineering (DOTE).

In total the project cost about $1,000 and was managed by the City’s DOTE which has been aggressively implementing infrastructure improvements that make Cincinnati a more bicycle friendly city including new dedicated bike lanes, sharrows, trails and new bicycle parking requirements in parking garages.

Those interested in checking out the new bike corral are invited to join the Northside community, Cincinnati Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (Bike/PAC), Queen City Bike and the Mobo Bicycle Coop at 6:30pm tonight at Lingo & Hamilton (map). Plenty of bicycle parking is available within the immediate vicinity, plus the site is served by Metro (plan your trip) and nearby automobile parking both on- and off-street.

Northside business district photo by Scott Beseler.

News Politics Transportation

Mark Mallory offers words of praise, responsibility in 2010 State of the City

As required by Cincinnati’s City Charter, Mayor Mark Mallory delivered the annual State of the City address to an enthusiastic crowd at the Duke Energy Convention Center last evening. As the mayor described it, the annual speech serves as a “report on the state of affairs of this great city,” and a way to ask ourselves, “where are we?”

The mayor, whose presentation lasted just over an hour, spoke casually and extemporaneously, without a hand-held microphone and without the assistance of a teleprompter or a podium.

After highlighting recent accolades the city has received for being the fourth best city in the U.S. for college graduates and the ninth most literate city, the mayor warned against just perusing the top 10 lists to know where we stand. Instead, he called on us to examine our character as a city.

“We have to place public safety as our number one priority,” Mallory stated as he began his discussion on the character of a quality city. The mayor used the example of two public safety officials in attendance whose heroics demonstrated great character. Their bravery, the mayor advised, ought to inspire Cincinnatians to work for the city’s betterment in their own lives. “What are you willing to do,” he asked, “to make this community safer?”

Mayor Mallory then stepped aside to show what would be the first of five brief videos during the address. The video highlighted the work that Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) has done to address public safety and described the successes of CIRV as an alternative to the narrow minded “throw away the key” mentality that often does little to reduce crime.

The mayor then turned his attention to the economy. “We cannot talk about building our economy without talking about jobs,” he proclaimed. Citing an increased focus on public/private partnerships, 5,000 new jobs were created, he declared. Furthermore, the mayor cited how investments in public infrastructure projects grow the economy by employing workers on the construction, but also by creating desirable, livable places for future business growth. In a moment of self-deprecation, the mayor informed the audience that while he is excited that The Banks project will be complete by Reds Opening Day 2012, he would definitely not be throwing out the first pitch.

In “an effort to help those in the region better manage their money,” Mayor Mallory announced the creation of Bank on Greater Cincinnati. The program is a collaboration with the regions eight largest banks, Cincinnati, Covington and Newport. Recent reports indicate that those who patronize businesses that offer services like pay day loans pay on average pay $900 per year in fees. Instead, the Mayor’s program will encourage citizens to “save and build wealth” with healthier financial practices.

Furthermore, the mayor commented that we as a city must invest in those large projects that work to responsibly grow the economy. He cited the Cincinnati Streetcar is one such project, as described in the second of the four short videos. The clip noted the proven economic impact of rail transportation, with a ratio of more than a 10 to 1 return on investment, and that the proposed streetcar route will connect the city’s two largest employment centers.

The mayor stepped aside a third time to show the winning video from a contest that the Young Professional’s Kitchen Cabinet (YPKC) hosted to showcase local civic pride. The neighborhood of Pleasant Ridge submitted the winning clip, which showcased the area’s vibrancy, safety and diversity.

“We need to do all that we can to be green,” Mallory opined, shifting focus once more. Doing so requires investments in the future, like the work the Office of Environmental Quality (OEC) is doing. They are installing a green roof on City Hall, a project paid for by the savings the city is seeing from making other facilities more efficient. Recently, the OEC was awarded $20 million in grants to fund city efficiency projects, and just yesterday, another $17 million in stimulus finding was awarded to Cincinnati to help perform energy efficiency retrofits.

Mayor Mallory praised the work the YPKC is doing to help in the city’s effort to be more environmentally aware. They created a civic garden in Over-the-Rhine, and produced an award-winning video to encouraging people to recycle.

After noting that the city’s rich cultural heritage has a “definite impact on our economy,” Mallory praised the economic impact of the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (CVB). Their efforts bring thousands of visitors yearly who collectively spend millions of dollars in our local economy. The mayor showed the fifth video clip, a video that the CVB uses to promote the city and the region to prospective visitors like the estimated 200,000 people who will attend the World Choir Games in 2012, driving an economic impact of more than $13 million.

Mayor Mallory closed with an acknowledgment that as citizens, “we must be good stewards to this home we call Cincinnati.” In an effort to increase the value of the city for future occupiers of this space, the city is building the tallest building ever in Cincinnati, completing a stunning new mixed-use development at The Banks, opening a casino and linking them all together with a modern streetcar system.

Mayor Mallory’s “enthusiasm for the city is contagious,” observed Vice Mayor Qualls after the program ended. “His call for responsibility to move the city forward is welcome.” A recent Xavier graduate commented that the mayor seemed to be leading the city in a good direction, and that he seemed “more focused on the younger population” than others in the past. But perhaps CIRV’s Greg Baker summed the address up the best when he commented that it was a “grand slam in demonstrating what it means to be a great Cincinnatian.”

Arts & Entertainment News

2010 Party in the Park series gets started – 4/21

Over the last few weeks spring has begun to take root in Cincinnati. Among others, the Reds Opening Day had a huge turnout as usual, trees are blooming and the Genius of Water began flowing again as the ceremonial start to the spring season in Cincinnati. This Wednesday marks yet another seasonal rite of passage as Party in the Park returns to the banks of the Ohio River in downtown Cincinnati at Yeatman’s Cove.

Party in the Park is one of the old standbys for many Cincinnatians as it embarks on its 34th season this year. Festivities kick off at 5:30pm every other Wednesday, with the exception of the back-to-back Wednesdays in April. $2 off drink prices greet party goers for the first 90 minutes making it a favorite after work destination. Historically crowds range anywhere from 5,000 to 8,000, depending on the week and weather, which turns the park into the largest watering hole in town.

The presenting sponsors and the 2010 slogan tell you all you need to know about the music you will find at Party in the Park. With 96ROCK and Bud Light leading the way and the slogan “The Original Social Network” you should expect cover songs so that folks can sing along all evening long. While it may not be ideal for someone seeking out original music, this weekly party definitely makes for a great social setting to hang out with old friends and meet new ones in the shadows of Cincinnati’s growing skyline and on the banks of the mighty Ohio River.

Party in the Park (map) starts at 5:30pm and lasts until 10:30pm. The festivities will run through Wednesday, August 8. There are several parking options available nearby, but it often coincides with Reds or Cyclones games that will make parking more difficult. There is bicycle parking and bus service to the park, and it is within walking distance to many of Cincinnati’s major employers in the center city.

Cincinnati has several great live music offerings during the summer months that include both original and cover music. In its 3rd year, Fountain Square played host to the 2009 PNC MidPoint Indie Summer Series and saw record crowds show up to enjoy the live music in the heart of downtown Cincinnati every Friday night. Midpoint Music Festival will fill Cincinnati’s center city with all sorts of live music again this summer (stay tuned for more details later this week). And there are still two shows left at the Cincinnati Zoo Tunes & Blooms which takes place each Thursday evening in April.

Party in the Park photo by 5chw4r7z.

Arts & Entertainment News

Weeklong fashion celebration begins in Cincinnati

Cincinnati Fashion Week got kicked off yesterday with a promotional campaign for the city’s fashion enthusiasts called “Spring into Fashion.” Now underway, the community driven collaborative including Keep Cincinnati Beautiful will run through Saturday, April 24.

Cincinnati Fashion Week (Facebook Page) organizers say that the goal of the week-long event is to “improve the quality of life by promoting sustainable action through fashion and style,” and that it includes a wide variety of events that will celebrate Cincinnati fashion, design, craftsmanship, artistry and even include a cleanup event on Saturday as part of the Great American Cleanup.

“Throughout its history, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful has initiated and implemented many on-going projects that have made a clear difference in the quality of life for Greater Cincinnati,” said Nathan Hurst, an independent fashion designer. In addition to the cleanup partnership, a portion of the proceeds from Cincinnati Fashion Week will be donated to Keep Cincinnati Beautiful.

“A passion for art brought me to share my love for fashion with the city I adore just as much,” explained Hurst. “I began my fashion career in Cincinnati with three successful runway shows and quickly made my national debut at the ‘Hip-Hop Meets Couture’ annual fashion show in San Francisco. When I returned to the Midwest I had one goal in mind: Cincinnati Fashion Week.”

The remainder of the week is packed with unique events throughout Cincinnati’s urban core including an exclusive VIP Appreciation Party that takes place tonight at the trendy downtown Cincinnati nightclub FB for those who have purchased an ‘all week pass’ for Cincinnati Fashion Week (doors will open at 8pm). Throughout the rest of the week Cincinnati Fashion Week attendees will be able to enjoy a merchant fair, fashion shows, design shows and the aforementioned Great American Cleanup.

The can’t miss Fashion Finale will feature the works of of Laura Dawson, Amy Longo and David Meister, among others, who will be showcasing his famous gowns. The fashion show will be hosted by Jen Dalton with music being provided by DJ Fuse. The Fashion Finale will take place at the Hyatt Regency’s Grand Ballroom in downtown Cincinnati with general admission tickets starting at $60. Special VIP tickets are also available for $100 that include additional perks. Tickets can be purchased online.

Cincinnati Fashion Week is also sponsoring a clothing drive as part of their collaboration with the Great American Cleanup, and those who donate clothing to Kenzie’s Closet or Dress for Success will receive 25% off any level ticket purchase.

News Politics Transportation

Cincinnati City Council approves critical funding for streetcar project

Cincinnati City Council gathered today to vote on allocating $2.6 million for the Cincinnati Streetcar project that will allow the project to move forward and signal a local financial commitment to the Federal government in the next round of TIGER grants.

An initial motion by Councilman Monzel opposed to the Cincinnati Streetcar was soundly defeated five to two with Winburn abstaining from the vote. Following that motion 31 members of the public spoke on the matter of allocating the $2.6 million.

The group consisted of students, young professionals, business and property owners, and those interested in seeing a better city. Out of the 31 speakers only two spoke against the project – one of which being Tom Luken. The message was clear to Cincinnati’s City Council: If you want the support of the next generation of Cincinnatians, you need to support improved public transportation.

Business owners also spoke overwhelmingly in favor of the project touting its economic benefits with Bob Pickford, President and CEO of Findlay Market, going as far to say that, “The single-most important investment this city can make to keep Findlay Market viable long-term is the streetcar.”

A student from the University of Cincinnati’s world renowned college of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning then went on to urge City Council to prove his classmates wrong by investing in the streetcar and showing them that they can stay in Cincinnati after graduation and be welcomed by a progressive, forward-thinking city.

After the long public comment session Cincinnati’s City Council discussed the matter amongst themselves. Councilman Berding went on in his comments and quoted creative economy expert Richard Florida’s recent book that discussed the need for vibrant city centers in a new economy. Berding also mentioned Jane Jacobs’ progressive vision for American cities as places that are vibrant and foster creativity.

Councilman Bortz then brought the discussion back home and stated how an affirmative vote to allocate these funds will go a long way towards closing the financial gap and securing the necessary Federal funding for the project. Meanwhile Monzel sounded off on Teaparty talking points about “feeding the beast” when it comes to getting Federal grant money.

When all was said and done, Cincinnati’s City Council voted 6-2 to allocate $2.6 million to the Cincinnati Streetcar project with only Leslie Ghiz and Chris Monzel voting no (Winburn abstained). While initially small, this commitment will go a long way in terms of the total $63 million local commitment as Cincinnati sends its application to the Federal government for the next round of TIGER funds.

Interestingly enough, both Ghiz and Monzel have their sights on the vacant Hamilton County Commissioner seat and have since shifted further to the right to appeal to a broader, more conservative county population. Ghiz has made the greatest shift after having authoritatively saying that she had always supported the project – that is until now that she has the suburbs in mind as she is voting on city issues.

Downtown resident John Schneider has seen all of Cincinnati’s public transportation discussions as the chairman of the Alliance for Regional Transit, and summed it up near the end of the public comment session when he said, “This is a day that will go down in the history books.” Speculation is not typically my thing, but I believe this will be the day that we look back and realize when Cincinnati stepped up to the challenge of redefining itself for a 21st Century economy.

Follow along with the live Twitter discussion from earlier today here.