Arts & Entertainment News

Socialize with fellow urbanists at December’s URBANexchange

The holiday season is in full effect, but we hope you take some time out of your busy schedule to join us at the Moerlein Lager House Tuesday, December 4 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm for our monthly URBANexchange event.

We will once again be gathering in the biergarten that overlooks the Ohio River, Roebling Suspension Bridge and Smale Riverfront Park. And please keep in mind that a portion of all sales at the Moerlein Lager House go to support the operations of Cincinnati’s new central riverfront park where it is located.

Those who have not yet been to an URBANexchange can expect a casual, laid-back atmosphere with others who are interested in what’s happening in our city, and cities elsewhere. The UrbanCincy team hopes that you come and share your thoughts about cities with the others in attendance, and discuss the current issues facing Cincinnati.

The event is not something that includes a formal presentation or discussion. What URBANexchange is all about is creating a monthly outlet where fellow urbanists can socialize, share their ideas with one another, and expand their social and professional network with like-minded individuals.

As always, December’s URBANexchange is free and open to the public. Please feel free to come and go anytime during the event. It is highly recommended that you bring a business card or come prepared to swap contact information with others as this is an event that tries to foster networking.

Arts & Entertainment News

Stories Around the Urban Campfire returns to East Walnut Hills this Thursday

Stories Around the Urban Campfire will return this Thursday to DeSales Plaza in East Walnut Hills.

The urban storytelling event is being produced by UrbanCincy in partnership with the Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation and Teilen. The event also supports small businesses in the neighborhood like Suzie Wongs, Café DeSales, and Beck Hardware.

“I received very positive feedback from the small, neighborhood businesses involved with the first storytelling event,” explained UrbanCincy owner Randy Simes. “Some people were a bit hesitant to get up and share their stories at the first event, but we’re hoping even more people show up this Thursday and to enjoy the unique urban campfire experience in East Walnut Hills.”

People gather on DeSales Plaza for the first-ever Stories Around the Urban Campfire event held on November 8, 2012. Image provided by the Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation.

As with the first Stories Around the Urban Campfire held on November 8 (online photo gallery), this week’s event will have food and drink available for purchase from Suzie Wongs and Café DeSales. Those who bring the right materials will also be able to make smores over the fire.

According to Simes, there are plans to potentially do more of these events, but for now this may be the last regularly scheduled Stories Around the Urban Campfire event of 2012.

“We received a very positive response from the first event, and we expect there to be a similar turnout this time around,” Simes noted. “However, it is getting colder and colder by the day, and we don’t want people to be uncomfortable. If the weather plays nice, then we might have another one or two of these before the end of the year, and then bring it back in the spring.”

Stories Around the Urban Campfire (11/29) will begin at 6:30pm in DeSales Plaza at the corner of Woodburn Avenue and Madison Road. The event is free and open to the public, and those choosing to share their stories with the group will be given approximately five minutes each.

Teilen founder Joe Wessels will serve as the event’s moderator and will be keeping track of each speaker’s time. Those interested in telling a story are encouraged to contact or with their name and story topic.

Arts & Entertainment News Politics

Celebrate election night at Moerlein Lager House with fellow Cincinnati urbanists

We hope that you have already gone out and cast your vote, but if not, we hope that you are able to make time today or tomorrow so that you can fill out your ballot. After that, come out to Moerlein Lager House Tuesday evening and celebrate the end of the 2012 election season with us for November’s URBANexchange.

This month we will once again gather in the biergarten at the Moerlein Lager House (map) at 5:30pm, and stay as long as people are interested. As always, there will be terrific food and drink available for purchase, with a portion of the sales going to support Smale Riverfront Park.

This will not be a partisan event, but rather an opportunity to enjoy the evening with other urbanists, and discuss the issues facing cities today.

It should be an exciting evening given that the Presidential Election will be decided by Ohioans, with Hamilton County being the most populated swing county up for grabs.

Arts & Entertainment News

Urban storytelling event to take place in Walnut Hills this November

On Thursday, November 8, UrbanCincy is partnering with the Walnut Hills Redevelopment Foundation (WHRF) and Teilen to bring Cincinnatians a unique storytelling event to take advantage of the crisp fall nights.

“The idea behind the event is to bring back the experience of gathering with friends and family members around a campfire,” explained Randy Simes, Owner and Managing Editor of UrbanCincy. “It is at these moments where we are able to share stories about ourselves, and learn more about those we care about. The only difference here is that this will be an open event set in a truly urban environment.”

Stories Around The Urban Campfire will take place on November 8 and 29. Graphic designed by Brittany Coyle for UrbanCincy.

Stories Around The Urban Campfire will start at 6:30pm and include approximately one-hour of storytelling, but those attending are encouraged to linger and enjoy the evening at DeSales Plaza (map).

Food and drink will be available for purchase from Suzie Wong’s and Café DeSales throughout the evening, and there will be a temporary fire pit set up for people to gather around.

The storytelling experience will be modeled after what Teilen uses for their other events, where each speaker gets approximately five minutes to share their story. Teilen founder, Joe Wessels, will be on-hand to moderate and keep track of time.

UrbanCincy and Teilen are currently signing up people who would like to speak for approximately five minutes. There is a limited availability of slots, so please sign up as soon as possible by emailing or

Stories Around The Urban Campfire will take place next Thursday at 6:30pm, and it will take place again on Thursday, November 29 at the same time and location.

Arts & Entertainment Business News

2012 World Choir Games attendance exceeded 200,000

The 2012 World Choir Games were long anticipated and oft-hyped, but now that the proverbial dust has settled, the event’s true impact is coming into focus.

According to a new report issued by the Cincinnati USA Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), the 2012 World Choir Games attracted 15,000 participants from 64 different countries, and drew more than 208,000 spectators at some 200 different events.

Some of the biggest events included four sellout performances at the Aronoff Center for the Arts, two sellout performances at Music Hall, the opening and closing ceremonies at US Bank Arena, and the Celebration of Nations Parade on Fountain Square which attracted an estimated 30,000 attendees.

The 2012 World Choir Games was a resounding success, but the lack of coordination at the MarketGarden left many mobile food vendors with a bitter taste in their mouth. MarketGarden photograph by Thadd Fiala.

“This was a once in a lifetime event for the city, and we left nothing to chance,” said Cincinnati City Manager Milton Dohoney. “The 2012 World Choir Games has changed us and readied us for better things.”

Thanks in part to all of the visitors for the international choir competition; Cincinnati’s year-to-date occupancy rate is up approximately two percent from 2011, while revenues are up nearly five percent, according to Star Travel Research numbers.

Out of the various sub-regions within the Cincinnati market, downtown Cincinnati remains the strongest hotel market with a 63 percent occupancy rate demanding an average of $76 per room.

While nearly all objective accounts point to a resounding success by city officials and community leaders in hosting the 2012 World Choir Games, some say the event had sore spots from which it can learn. One example, in particular, was the MarketGarden which was established to host local food trucks and carts in a centralized marketplace.

“People were really vying to become part of this, and we were thinking it would be a pretty substantial event with lots and lots of people,” explained Café de Wheels owner Thomas Acito. “Unfortunately it was really dead, and we discovered by the third day that there was food being given out for free at the Duke Energy Convention Center for participants.”

The lack of coordination left many of the vendors that signed up for the MarketGarden with a bitter taste in their mouth, wishing for better organization between the big event and the smaller food market.

The hope, Acito said, was that there would be a real density of potential customers as there is with events like Oktoberfest and Taste of Cincinnati. At this time, however, the city does little coordination between mobile food vendors with the larger events.

The struggles with MarketGarden notwithstanding, the Cincinnati USA CVB is touting the intangible effects of the games.

According to the report, the games garnered 1.4 billion impressions throughout the world, with approximately 900 million of those coming from throughout the United States. The combined publicity value of all of those impressions is estimated to weigh in at $32 million.

Without confirmation it is difficult to speculate about what might be the next major event Cincinnati will host, but all indications seem to be pointing at a Tall Stacks Music, Arts & Heritage Festival in 2013, or the 2015 MLB All-Star Game.