Arts & Entertainment Business News

New Gateway Quarter Gift Card the perfect holiday gift

If you’re still trying to find the perfect gift for a friend or family member, look no further than the new Gateway Quarter Gift Card that is good at 24 shopping, dining, and entertainment destinations in one of Cincinnati’s trendiest business districts.

The new gift cards are a perfect addition to the thriving Gateway Quarter district in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. On Black Friday I took advantage of the second annual ‘Holidays in the Bag’ shopping event and was able to purchase nearly all of my holiday gifts just in the Gateway Quarter. So, if you still searching for gift ideas, buy a couple Gateway Quarter Gift Cards and give your friend of family member the gift of shopping local and experiencing the unique items available throughout the Gateway Quarter.

The gift card can be purchased at five locations: Park+Vine, Mica 12/v, Joseph Williams Home, Below Zero Lounge, and the Gateway Quarter Sales Office at 12th & Vine streets. Find a full list of participating businesses here.

Arts & Entertainment News

Remembering Erich Kunzel

Aside from conducting the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra and appearing on PBS for many years, Erich Kunzel conducted many other orchestras, including the Boston Pops. The home of the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra in Cincinnati was Music Hall, which is located in the old German district known as Over-the-Rhine.

Kunzel’s dream was to locate the School for Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) in Cincinnati in the Over-the-Rhine district just a block or so from Music Hall. In addition to this, he helped raise funds for this endeavor. Unfortunately, Erich Kunzel recently passed away as a result of cancer and will not see his dream soon come to fruition.

Many sought to honor him for all he did for the city of Cincinnati and the world of music. So, the street in front of Music Hall was given the additional name of “Erich Kunzel Way” by the Cincinnati City Council, while at the same time retaining its name as Elm Street.

An additional honor was sought by many to name the SCPA School after him, with the final result that the building complex of the school will be named the Erich Kunzel Center for Arts & Education.

As President of the German-American Citizens League of Greater Cincinnati, I appeared at the November meeting of the Cincinnati School Board, stating:

“Maestro Kunzel’s efforts not only spearheaded financial support for the construction of SCPA, but they also led to its location in downtown Cincinnati near Music Hall in historic Over-the-Rhine, the home of his beloved Pops Orchestra.”

Kunzel was a good friend of the German-American community and proud of his German heritage. Although it was hoped that the new school would bear his name, the compromise reached does place his name on the building complex in Over-the-Rhine and most likely will become generally known as the Erich Kunzel Center for Arts and Education.

German-Americans in Cincinnati, therefore, can be proud to have done their part in obtaining this honor for Maestro Kunzel, a great German-American, who was well known throughout the world.

A collection of his recordings was just issued entitled “Erich Kunzel – Cincinnati Pops Orchestra: The Legacy Collection.” It contains a selection of fifteen of his favorite musical pieces, concluding with “Stars & Stripes Forever,” by John Philip Sousa, who also was of German descent.

Yours truly,
Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann

Don Heinrich Tolzmann serves as president of the German-American Citizens League of Greater Cincinnati & Curator of the German Heritage Museum. The author of many books on Cincinnati’s German heritage, he also is Associate Publisher and Columnist for His forthcoming book due this spring is on Cincinnati’s historic Over-the-Rhine.


How can Findlay Market drive additional traffic?

Findlay Market is looking for ideas on ways in which the historic market can be improved to drive additional traffic. To voice your opinion please visit Iron Bridge and vote on the poll on the right-hand side of the page.

Findlay Market has been experiencing a resurgence lately with increased traffic and vendors, but problems still exist. Access can be difficult for some, weekday operations remain slower than desired, evening hours are still limited, and marketing has been a challenge when working with such a diverse group of vendors.

As the historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhood continues to repopulate itsef, and as interest continues to grow in buying local goods from local merchants, the market’s future appears to be bright. Innovative ideas and suggesstions will help Findlay Market move into the next stage of its long life with a renewed energy and spirit.

How can Findlay Market drive additional traffic? VOTE HERE!


OTR Neighborhood Holiday Party – Thursday Night!

Tis the season for holiday parties, and tonight there is a special one happening at Mr. Pitiful’s (map) on Main Street in the heart of Over-the-Rhine supporting the Over-the-Rhine Foundation.

The 2nd Annual OTR Neighborhood Holiday Party will feature live music from local favorites Messerly & Ewing, food, and of course spirits featuring Christian Moerlein’s Christkindl Winter Warmer Ale. The party gets started at 6pm Thursday evening and is slated to run until 10pm, but you have to figure that will be just about the earliest anyone heads home.

There will be raffle tickets available for $10 which will give you a chance to get some help out with some gifts for friends or for yourself. Prizes range from gift cards to OTR shops such as Park+Vine, Outside, Findlay Market, and tickets to productions by the Cincinnati Ballet, Know Theatre, and Cincinnati Opera.

Another fundraising piece of the night will include a live auction featuring works of art by Jim Effler, VisuaLingual, Sherman Cahal, and Craig Moyer. Finally, $25 raffle tickets will be available for the Dream Vacation Raffle which is a one week stay in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

As mentioned above all raffle proceeds will be going to the Over-the-Rhine Foundation which has been working to preserve, protect, and promote OTR for over sixteen years. So come on out, support a good cause, meet new folks, and get reacquainted with older ones at Mr. Pitiful’s on Thursday. While there is no need to RSVP per se, there is of course a Facebook Page where you can let everyone know of your good intentions!

Arts & Entertainment Business News

Main Street Shop & Stroll this weekend in OTR

Well, another weekend is here and so is another reason to come out and support your local establishments in downtown Cincinnati. Last weekend was “Holidays in the Bag” in Over-the-Rhine’s Gateway Quarter, and this weekend you have the Main Street Holiday Stroll & Shop! Ever been to Second Sunday on Main? Well, it is kind of like that which means fun places, fun people, and fun things!

The main difference between this and Second Sunday? Well, Main Street Stroll & Shop officially runs Saturday from 11am to 7pm and Sunday from 12pm to 5pm. While you can go at any time, I highly recommend going early on Saturday. You see, in conjunction with Stroll & Shop the Art Academy will be holding its annual Snowflake Sale. While their site says that it runs until 3pm, I have seen 2pm elsewhere so come early and check it out so you don’t miss it.

Whenever you go, there are plenty of places to visit on north Main Street. The only holdover from “Holidays in the Bag” is Atomic Number 10 which will be participating with nearly every other establishment along the stretch of Main between 13th and Liberty streets. As you probably already know there are a ton of art galleries on that stretch as well as a bunch of unique shops where you can find that gift that you cannot find anywhere else. While there is no “official” discount feel free to ask each merchant about exclusive holiday specials.

Surely you are bound to work up an appetite or get thirsty along the way! There are many options to choose from including Mixx Ultra Lounge, Iris BookCafe, and Shadeau Breads right there along Main Street. Of course there are a few just off Main like Grammers, Lucy Blue, and Coffee Emporium.

So get out and find some fun gifts this weekend, support your local businesses, and experience some of the magic of downtown! A few other things worth checking out include the ice rink at Fountain Square and the Duke Energy Train Display. Of course, you could just be a little adventurous and find your own way around!