Business Development News

Findlay Market awarded $219k for local foods project

Cincinnati’s historic Findlay Market was awarded $218,890 last week through the “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food” initiative that was launched by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in September to increase access to healthy, affordable local foods.

“We know that access to fresh, healthy food is good for our families and our communities,” said U.S. Representative Steve Driehaus about the “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food” funding. “For years, people from across greater Cincinnati have found nutritious, local food at Findlay Market, and this smart investment will help ensure that the market continues to be a great resource for our area.”

The announcement comes on the heels of Findlay Market’s new Cultivating Healthy Environments for Farmers (CHEF) project that was launched in July 2009. CHEF is seen as an opportunity to recruit and train new urban growers, and compliment the City’s successful Urban Gardening Program.

Findlay Market was one of 16 organizations nationwide to receive funding through the “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food” initiative. This funding will help fund food policy council training, urban agriculture, help promote native food sovereignty, food production projects, and community food assessments according to the USDA.

Findlay Market (map) is open year-round Tuesday through Friday from 9am to 6pm, Saturday 8am to 6pm, and Sunday 10am to 4pm. Free off-street automobile and bicycle parking is available and the market is well-serviced by Metro’s #21, 46, 64, and 78 bus routes. To see which route is most convenient for you, and to play your trip now, use Metro’s Trip Planner.


This Week In Soapbox 11/17

This Week in Soapbox UrbanCincy has the following seven stories that you must check out. You can read about Rookwood Pottery’s new role with the Cincinnati Gallery Auctions (originally published here), the progression of the $115 million Hoff Academic Quad project at Xavier University, a new salon in OTR, Building Value’s new home in Northside, the grand opening of DeSales Flats in East Walnut Hills, Tazza Mia’s aggressive growth strategy, and a new way to look at Cincinnati’s suburbs.

If you’re interested in staying in touch with some of the latest development news in Cincinnati please check out this week’s stories and sign up for the weekly E-Zine sent out by Soapbox Cincinnati. Also be sure to become a fan of Soapbox on Facebook!

TWIS 11/17:

  • Rookwood Pottery assumes famous Cincinnati Art Galleries Auctionfull article
  • $115M Hoff Academic Quad to transform Xavier University’s campusfull article
  • Salon Central opens in Over-the-Rhine with a ‘modern sensibility’full article
  • Building materials re-use company Building Value opens up shop in Northsidefull article
  • DeSales Flats celebrates grand opening in East Walnut Hillsfull article
  • Tazza Mia finds its coffee nichefull article
  • Recycling Cincinnati’s Suburbsfull article

Rookwood Pottery Assumes Auction

The internationally recognized Cincinnati establishment Rookwood Pottery announced today that it will take on the biannual Cincinnati Art Galleries Auction. These sales are the largest Rookwood Pottery auctions in the world, and curators, designers and collectors come in from around the country in their search for the perfect pottery piece.

Cincinnati Art Galleries has hosted this auction for many years, but has decided to streamline their product offerings by focusing more exclusively on 19th and 20th century European and American paintings. According to the press release, Riley Humler, currently the Gallery Director of Cincinnati Art Galleries, will assume the position of Director of Auctions at Rookwood Pottery, bringing with him his team of art pottery and art glass experts.

“We have always had a great working relationship with Rookwood Pottery and applaud Christopher Rose and his vision for Rookwood,” said Humler. “It is incredible that I can say that I now work there, having been an enthusiastic Rookwood fan all of my adult life.”

Cincinnati Art Galleries Auction photos provided

Christopher Rose and his team have been working hard since 2005 to bring back the amazing legacy of Rookwood back to Cincinnati. The company recently relocated to a 100,000 square-foot facility in the heart of Over-the-Rhine earlier this year. They have plans to turn the auction into a three day art pottery conference-style event, complete with receptions, speakers and studio tours.

“Moving this (event) to Over-the-Rhine and expanding it to be more of a conference will only further the Over-the-Rhine’s reputation as a vital center for the arts – something that means a great deal to us at Rookwood,” said Suzanne Blackburn, Marketing Manager for Rookwood Pottery.

It means a lot to Rookwood, but it means even more to the community of Over-the-Rhine. It is absolutely energizing to see dedicated business members establishing themselves in the heart of the City. Rookwood is another step forward into revitalizing our city center, and it adds another dimension to the company that they have committed to producing their work in the center of Cincinnati, rather than fleeing to the wide expanse of the suburbs.

Stay tuned for a future opportunity to get an exclusive tour of Rookwood’s new digs in OTR, and get a behind-the-scenes look at their famous operations. If a tour/history lesson/social outing at Rookwood Pottery interests you please leave a comment below and let us know what you would like to experience.


This Week In Soapbox 11/10

This Week in Soapbox (TWIS) you can read about big time money rolling in for two local development agencies, a new vendor at Findlay Market, Cincinnati’s groundbreaking Environmental Justice Ordinance, the $30 million Sharonville Convention Center expansion, a new Thai restaurant in Bellevue, Kroger’s new food tracking service, and the super cool co-working concept that has come to Over-the-Rhine.

If you’re interested in staying in touch with some of the latest development news in Cincinnati please check out this week’s stories and sign up for the weekly E-Zine sent out by Soapbox Cincinnati. Also be sure to become a fan of Soapbox on Facebook!

There is also a really tremendous feature story this week from Casey Coston discussing Cincinnati’s growing center city population that is likewise bringing more dogs. Read all about the growing dog population and the opportunities and challenges that it is presenting our center city.

TWIS 11/10:

  • Cincinnati development agencies secure $75M in New Markets Tax Creditsfull article
  • Daisy Mae’s Market opens produce business at historic Findlay Marketfull article
  • Cincinnati takes lead, creates nation’s first Environmental Justice Ordinancefull article
  • Sharonville breaks ground on $30M convention center expansionfull article
  • Siam Orchid brings Thai flavor to Bellevuefull article
  • Group brings co-working concept to Over-the-Rhinefull article
  • Kroger launching program allowing customers to track food’s originsfull article

New UC President Dr. Gregory Williams to keynote Triumph Awards

The Emanuel Community Center is hosting their annual Triumph Awards on Thursday, November 12 at 6pm. The Triumph Awards ceremony is one of Emanuel’s primary fund-raiser events throughout the year, and take time to honor the hard work people have put into the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood.

The University of Cincinnati’s new president, Dr. Gregory Williams, will serve as the keynote speaker while Joe Pichler, William Mallory Sr., and Kathy Wade serve as the 2009 Triumph Honorees. Tickets are $50 and can be reserved by calling Jenny Mendelson at (513) 241-2563, ext. 20, by emailing, or by purchasing your tickets online.

The Emanuel Community Center was founded in 1871 to help serve the expanding German immigrant population in the neighborhood. Today Emanuel is well-known for their childcare and youth programs serving neighborhood residents. And as the neighborhood continues to change, so does Emanuel, as they now act as a complete “center for the community” and are working hard to create programming and shared experiences in the neighborhood to ensure that capital investments evolve into a diverse and eclectic community.

“My time as an Over-the-Rhine resident has convinced me of the importance of this fantastic neighborhood in the future growth of our region,” said Emaneul Board Member Colin Groth. “At the start of this year I joined the board of the Emanuel Center after recognizing the critical role that community cohesion will play in the long-term sustainability of OTR.”

The Emanuel Community Center will host the Triumph Awards at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza’s famous Hall of Mirrors (map). The Hilton is within a block and a half of Metro’s Government Square bus hub. Plan your trip now using Metro’s Trip Planner to find out which route and time works best for you.

Hall of Mirrors photograph by Daniel Michael.