
Trinity Flats Project Moving Right Along

The newest phase of the Gateway Quarter redevelopment has been under construction since the beginning of this year, and 9 months later the Trinity Flats building is well on its way to looking absolutely fabulous.

Trinity Flats will consist of 25 residential units and 7,500 square feet of store front street level retail space. The project, located at Vine and Mercer Streets (map) in Over the Rhine, is slated to cost around $8.9 million.

One aspect of this project which makes it stand out from the rest of the Quarter is that Trinity Flats is a clever mix of adaptive reuse and new construction. The Model Group is doing a fantastic job of highlighting the original building’s historic features while simultaneously adding a progressive new structure to the mix. The new construction building adds a modern update to classical building elements such as window detailing, but manages to keep a clean aesthetic overall. According to the building elevations (credit Building Cincinnati) the new construction project will include a community rooftop deck. This will provide a definite draw to those wanting to move into the city but who are not completely wanting to give up their outdoor space.

The commercial space in the infill building will be the new home of the Gateway Quarter leasing office, opening up the corner of Vine and 12th streets to new endeavors. Model Group has an estimated completion date of April 2010 for the Trinity Flats development.

Trinity Flats photos by Jake Mecklenborg

Arts & Entertainment Development News Transportation

Memorial Day – 2012*

So, I’m sitting here at the Christian Moerlein Lager House enjoying a Helles and thinking about what lies ahead this summer… it’s going to be a busy one! Living in Cincinnati has never been better with all of the new things we have going on; I’m so glad I decided to stay after we turned down Issue Nine back in 2009. Back then, the downtown area was just starting to turn around compared to where we are today. I mean, Fountain Square had again taken its rightful place as the center of our community and things up in the Gateway Quarter were really starting to tick. There was some real promise, but many people had their doubts as well. Now though, there are very few doubters left, and almost all the concerns from back then have been alleviated.

I mean, the things that are going on these days in and around the center city are just amazing compared to where we have been for at least the past twenty years. I would call it a renaissance or even a rebirth, but it’s more like a brand Cincinnati is developing right before our very eyes. The Banks project is coming along nicely, even if we all know that it seems like it was talked about forever. We all knew that even when the project started it was going to take a while, but it’s so good to see people living and working there even now! Alongside it Riverfront Park has added a wonderful green space at the base of the freshly painted Roebling Suspension Bridge. I have to say it is so much nicer to sit here and watch people in the park than it would be to see another parking lot along the riverfront. Hard to believe we had to live through that for all those years!

Central Riverfront Park, Great American Tower at Queen City Square, Phase 1 of The Banks – Renderings Provided.

The city’s tallest building, The Tiara Tower, has been open for a little over a year and not only does it look great but it has a nice occupancy rate as well. It has brought a lot of jobs and driven interest in additional ambitious building projects around town. For example, over in Newport more development has taken hold as Ovation opened up recently. Really, when you stop and think about it, this area along the Ohio River is booming and both sides of the river have taken great pride in it all.

Speaking of pride, the Cincinnati Streetcar opened up early this year and the response has been amazing! People park down at The Banks, jump on the streetcar and find their way around town very easily. They are able to ride up to Findlay Market among other places, and next year they will be able to get all the way up to the University. New businesses and residences abound along the line and have really added a substantial amount of tax revenue to the city coffers that were not looking good even three years ago.

The Cincinnati Streetcar travels on Walnut Street past the Aronoff Center and the Backstage Entertainment District south towards The Banks.

What else is going on? Well, the World Choir Games will be here before we know it and we are expecting quite a crowd. It is the first time the games will be in the United States and estimates are that 250,000 people will be here in town in less than six weeks to take them in. It’s going to be quite an event and the hotels have been booked up for the last year. There is also a huge Pomegranates show this coming weekend. They haven’t been in town for a while because of their touring schedule, and we all miss them dearly. They really started cooking in 2009 back when we were all concerned with Issue 9. Additionally, the Major League All-Star Game will be here in 2015 and we are all looking forward to that gigantic event! People around the area are so glad that we have a city to show off and one that we can be proud of!

Cincinnati… we’ve had a lot of hurdles and obstacles to overcome, but things have been moving in the right direction for a while now and I don’t see how the momentum could be stopped!

*Denotes that this is a vision of where we are headed, and not truly a post from the future. As you can see, almost all of these projects are underway in 2009 and this post was meant to tie them all together & draw a picture of what it all will look like. As of now, the All-Star game & streetcar are the the biggest dreams, but hopefully that all begins to change tomorrow. NO ON NINE!


Glass House Lofts and Dandridge Town Homes Come Together for Final Friday

In combination with the Final Friday festivities this evening, you have the chance to check out two terrific residential developments near the Pendleton Arts Center. The first is the newly opened Dandridge Studio Town Homes which features price points ranging from the mid- to high-100’s. Homebuyers there can take advantage of grant money for new graduates to stay in Ohio and stimulus money benefits to help make the finances work for you.

The new town homes were celebrated by community leaders yesterday at a ribbon cutting ceremony where some people believe this is a moment where the neighborhood is “taking back” their community from the bad elements that once had a strong grasp of the neighborhood a decade ago. The Dandridge Studio Town Homes also feature a variety of unique features like cut outs to let in daylight, spiral staircases to media rooms, large windows, front and back decks, and overall well laid out interior spaces.

Also available to check out is the Glass Houses Lofts development around the corner. Only a few units remain in this gem of a restoration, but visitors will be able to check out a model unit, common spaces and the newly finished wine room in the basement designed by yours truly. There will be a DJ, food, and wine at Glass House and will make for a perfect jumping off point for your Final Friday festivities.

Dandridge Studio Town Home photographs by Jenny Kessler

Cincinnati takes critical step towards preserving historic Over-the-Rhine

The City of Cincinnati has been facing increasing pressure in regards to its policy on historic preservation, and now intends to create a special task force related to the economic development and historic preservation of one of the nation’s most important historic districts: Over-the-Rhine.

The vote is music to the ears of local preservation organizations that have been pushing for new policies in regards to historic preservation throughout the city and specifically in Over-the-Rhine. The Over-the-Rhine Foundation and Cincinnati Preservation Association first made the suggestions earlier this year and have been pushing the issue for more several years.

Interesting to note that only five of City Council’s nine members voted for the new task force. Council members Chris Bortz (C), Jeff Berding (D), Leslie Ghiz (R) and Chris Monzel (R) all voted against the measure (all four of these council members are running for reelection this November 3rd).

The move also comes on the heels of my recent appearance on City Talk Radio where we discussed (listen to the show) historic preservation in Cincinnati specifically focusing on Over-the-Rhine. During the show I discussed several critical items that must be addressed from a policy level to make historic preservation a priority in Cincinnati.

Relaxed parking requirements: Minimum parking requirements can become costly for developers working in historic districts where parking can be quite difficult to incorporate, especially for small developers. Relaxed parking requirements in historic districts can reduce cost burdens and help preserve the integrity of the neighborhoods.

Make preservation a policy priority: The City should adjust its policies to make historic preservation a priority. In cities like Savannah and Charleston they do just this by aggressively mandating preservation and even to the extent of purchasing historic properties in danger of demolition so that they can be placed in good hands and restored. City code officials need to adopt work practices that treat historic properties differently from the rest, with an emphasis on stabilization instead of demolition.

Remove the cost barriers: Relaxed parking requirements are just one way to remove the cost barriers and improve the attractiveness of investing in urban historic districts. Investment in quality public assets like parks, transportation and other infrastructure help create the dynamic urban environments that many urban dwellers demand. Investing in these improvements at the public level can make for lower capital costs for developers and/or improve the desirability of a historic neighborhood thus making price points more effective for private investment.


Don’t Be Tricked, Vote No on Issue 9 Party

On Friday, October 30 you are invited to join UrbanCincy at Neon’s Unplugged for the Don’t Be Tricked, Vote No on Issue 9 Party. At the party will be a variety of local celebrities, drinks provided by Christian Moerlein, food from Kroeger & Sons Meats, live music Jim Kennedy, bocce ball, and much more.

The festivities start at 6pm and will last until 1am. There is no cover to get in, but food and drinks are cash only. Please come out and support Cincinnati by showing your opposition to the Anti-Passenger Rail Amendment Cincinnatians will be voting on this Tuesday, November 3.

Issue 9 may end up being a tricky one for Cincinnati voters given the broad wording used and the unclear meaning of what a no and a yes vote mean. Issue 9 proponent Chris Smitherman might have said it best on the very ballot language he helped craft with his buddies at COAST.

“This is nothing short of madness and political corruption. There is no explanation for a Yes meaning No and a No meaning Yes. This is not a tradition, but an attempt to trick voters.”

Don’t be tricked. Vote no on Issue 9 this Tuesday, November 3rd and help keep Cincinnati moving forward. Cincinnati does not need any more red tape of confusing Charter language. Feel free to come in costume if you would like. The party is a come and go as you please event. Please tell your friends and make it part of your Friday night plans.