Arts & Entertainment News

MPMF Is Here

By this point, everyone is aware that the 9th annual MidPoint Music Festival hits downtown Cincy this Thursday, September 24 through Saturday, September 26. Instead of giving you something you could get elsewhere, we thought we’d provide you links to a few pages that may help narrow down the 270 bands there are to choose from.

When was the last time you had 270 choices as to how to spend three evenings? Well, since 270 is a lot to choose from, we give you the MPMF homepage at CityBeat as a jumping off point. Check out the CityBeat homepage and go through the bands alphabetically; stop and listen to a few bands there but make sure to explore some on MySpace. If you do nothing else, our recommendation is that you pay special attention to the DIG lines in the description as CityBeat does their best job to point you in the right direction.

Still too much work? There are some recommendations out there, including some from our friends at EachNoteSecure here, here, here, and my very own preview here. There will be a ton more MPMF news posted in the coming days, so make sure you keep an eye on their homepage.

As you can tell there is a ton to choose from and the $29 wristband is quite a deal for three nights of music. What does $29 get you? The wristband allows you to jump in any one of the sixteen Scion Streetcars to get around town all weekend. It also allows you to go from venue to venue as many times as you want without additional charge. Truly at a cost of less than $10 a night, the wristband provides flexibility and value that are well worth the price if you plan on going all weekend or even just two of the three nights. However, there are plenty of other options including paying at the door of each venue or even free shows on Fountain Square each night over the course of the weekend. (Fountain Square shows feature bands that are playing throughout the rest of the weekend and are a true steal!)

Texts to 4632 from Cincinnati Bell Wireless accounts, and tweets using the #MPMF hash tag on Twitter or messages posted on the site will be displayed on Web-enabled monitors in festival venues, on a projection of the site on the facade of Grammer’s and on the Fountain Square video board. If you want to get a steady stream of updates be sure to follow @MidPointMusic, @MetromixCincy, and @CincyBlog on Twitter to get festival updates throughout the weekend.

Looking forward to seeing you around town this weekend. Enjoy the music! We are all lucky and better off to have it all right here in front of us for the taking!

Photo by Flickr user thadd…read his blog here.

News Politics

Cincinnati PARKing Day: Lunchtime

We’ve been having a blast down on Vine Street for Cincinnati Park(ing) Day. So far the PARKing spot participants are as follows:
Segway Cincinnati
Urban Roots
Free Store Food Bank
The cool kids (John, Alicia, Jocelyn, Jenny and friends)

It is rumored that Tucker’s will be having their parking spot (possibly with live music!) open later today. There have been people stopping by all morning and now into the afternoon. It’s been great to meet new people and take a minute to enjoy the streetscape of Cincinnati. It’s slowed down, and the spots have consolidated a little, but I’ll be around until around 5pm. Come hang out in a re-purposed parking spot at PARK(ing) Day!

Arts & Entertainment News Politics Transportation

Cincinnati PARK(ing) Day

Today is National PARK(ing) Day. In 2005, San Francisco art collaborative REBAR decided to take over a metered parking space for a day and turn it into a public space. The ratio of public space to parking space in San Francisco is heavily skewed toward parking. In 2006 it went public, and now PARK(ing) Day is celebrated all over the world.

Various individuals and business in the Cincinnati area have come together to make spaces for the public to enjoy. You can check out the map of individual locations here. There are currently several spaces taken up on Vine Street near Central Parkway, outside the Segway store and Park+Vine. Check back later for updates of other PARK(ing) spots around the city!








Arts & Entertainment Business News

Tour new condos in OTR this weekend

From noon to 5pm on Sunday, September 13, the public is invited to tour some of Over-the-Rhine’s newest condos and lofts. The free OTR Tour of Living will take guests through 11 buildings in historic Over-the-Rhine; seven of which have opened within the past year.

In all, there are 115 units priced from the low $100’s to the mid $200’s within the 11 buildings (full list below). More than 40 percent of these units have already been sold or are currently under contract, but all of the buildings on the tour still have some units available according to Gateway Quarter realtors.

The OTR Tour of Living will take place during the monthly Second Sunday on Main street festival which features local vendors, live music, beer, food, cooking demonstrations and more. September’s Second Sunday on Main festival is the last one of the 2009 season, so be sure to get out there.

Those going on the tour can pick up a map and “OTR Gateway Quarter Tour of Living” information at tents located at 12th and Main and 12th and Vine streets. Event organizers will also be providing free Gateway Quarter water bottles to tour participants, and will also offer the opportunity to register for door prizes from the Gateway Quarter shopping district.

Parking is available a the corner of 12th and Vine as well as street parking along Vine, Walnut and 12th streets. The Gateway Quarter and Main Street through OTR is also well-served by a host of Queen City Metro routes. To see which route is most convenient for you, and to plan your trip now, use Metro’s Trip Planner.

OTR Tour of Living Loft Condos:

  • 14th & Vine, 1331-35 Vine St.
  • Belmain Lofts, 1202 Main St.
  • Centennial Row, 12th and Race streets
  • City Home, 14th and Pleasant streets
  • Duveneck Flats, 1214-20 Vine St.
  • Falling Wall, 1417-21 Main St.
  • Gateway Condos, 1128 Vine St.
  • Good Fellows Hall, 1306 Main St.
  • Lackman Lofts, 1237 Vine St.
  • Mottainai, 1222-24 Republic St.
  • Trideca Lofts, 1232 Vine St.

This Week In Soapbox 9/8

This Week in Soapbox (TWIS) you can read about what will be Cincinnati’s largest brewpub, how you can help save Covington’s Nordheim Gallery, a new vintage shop on Main Street in OTR, Cincinnati’s new Bicycle Master Plan that kicks off this week, multiple events going on in Over-the-Rhine this weekend, a new 76-unit residential development in East Walnut Hills, and how the Latonia neighborhood in Covington is hoping a new Small Area Study will help make the community even better.

If you’re interested in staying in touch with some of the latest development news in Cincinnati please check out this week’s stories and sign up for the weekly E-Zine sent out by Soapbox Cincinnati. Also be sure to become a fan of Soapbox on Facebook!

TWIS 9/8:

  • Officials want your help in saving Covington’s Nordheim Galleryfull article
  • Atomic Number Ten bringing vintage style to Main Streetfull article
  • Cincinnati kicks off new Bicycle Master Plan process in hopes of encouraging more cyclistsfull article
  • Events crowd the weekend calendar for Over-the-Rhinefull article
  • 76-unit DeSales Flats project near completionfull article
  • Small Area Study looks to address issues in Latonia neighborhoodfull article
  • Moerlein Lager House to anchor Central Riverfront Parkfull article