Arts & Entertainment News

Transformative visual art event changes urban landscape, gathers Cincinnati community

Back when the temperatures were a bit warmer, and the sky a bit sunnier, more than 1,500 people gathered with ArtsWave on a six-block stretch of 12th Street in Cincinnati’s historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. The residents, visitors, and workers alike worked together to create a half-mile long stretch of visual art.

Known as Paint the Street, the project gathered a diverse collection of people that painted the street according to chalk outlines drawn by local artists earlier that morning. Since the painting occurred on Sunday, September 26 much of the art has worn off, but those passing through the urban neighborhood today can still see remnants of the project months later.

UrbanCincy writer Jennifer Kessler participated in the event and published her photographs on the site shortly after it took place. While at Paint the Street Kessler noted that the sense of community and involvement was palpable and that the event was one that was truly inspiring for her.

“Being there in person, the highlight of the event was the enthusiasm and joy painting a mural on the street brought to participants and observers alike,” Kessler described. “The street was shut down to vehicle traffic for the day and crowds of Cincinnatians, old and young, black and white, walked slowly in the street taking in the colors and working together.”

The event also attracted a variety of street performers and artists from Xavier University, Walnut Hills High School, School for Creative & Performing Arts, Cincinnati Ballet, and Pones, Inc.

Those who were unable to participate or view the visual art production in its entirety are now able to view a time-lapse video, of the event, put together by Cincinnati-based Lightborne in partnership with Soapbox Cincinnati.

Business Development News

Beer is brewing in historic Over-the-Rhine once again

Beer is being brewed in historic Over-the-Rhine once again.  Christian Moerlein Brewing Company has returned its brewing operations to the neighborhood where it got its start.  It has been almost 100 years since Christian Moerlein ceased brewing operations in 1918, but the resurgence of the beer brand, neighborhood, and interest in craft beers Christian Moerlein owner Greg Hardman has put his focus squarely on the beer and its long-time neighborhood.

The first beer being produced at the Over-the-Rhine brewery is the Arnold’s 1861 Porter in honor of the 150th anniversary of Cincinnati’s oldest tavern.  Hardman is using a one-barrel pilot brewing system and says that the beer can be produced over the course of 12 days.  The first people to see the brewery in action included Arnold’s Bar & Grill owner Ronda Androski and others associated with Christian Moerlein.

Once fully operational in spring 2011, the new brewery will be able to produce 10,000 to 15,000 barrels of beer annually.  The new 1861 Porter will only be available at Arnold’s (map), and will reportedly first be served at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve (make your plans now).  Those at Arnold’s on New Year’s Eve will be able to enjoy 12-ounce drafts of the new porter for just $1.50 in honor of the tavern’s 150th anniversary celebration.

Our friends at Arnold’s and Christian Moerlein were kind enough to provide UrbanCincy with the exclusive first photos taken inside the new brewery.  The photos capture Greg Hardman, Ronda Androski and others checking out the setup of the brewery located in the Northern Liberties section of Over-the-Rhine.  Cheers.

Development News Politics Transportation

Cincinnati secures full funding for first phase of modern streetcar system

The Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) of the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) announced yesterday that they have unanimously recommended an award of $35 million for the construction of phase one of the Cincinnati Streetcar. The $35 million award means that the first phase of Cincinnati’s modern streetcar system is now fully funded.

To date, the Cincinnati Streetcar has secured $150 million through a variety of public and private resources to fund the first phase of the system which is estimated to cost $128 million.

“Today was a great day for our streetcar project,” exclaimed Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory in an email yesterday. “We now have the full amount needed to complete the first phase. This will help grow our city and improve our financial future.”

In addition to $35 million for construction, TRAC also recommended $1.8 million for planning and preliminary engineering work for phase two of the project which will extend further throughout Cincinnati’s uptown neighborhoods.

The Cincinnati Streetcar project scored 84 out of a possible 100 points in TRAC’s ranking – by far the highest total of all transportation projects from around the state. As a result of that robust score, ODOT officials approved TRAC’s $15 million recommendation for the Cincinnati Streetcar project in May 2010.

During recent budget debates, some advocacy groups have lobbied against the Cincinnati Streetcar project and said that the money should be instead used for other purposes – mainly preserving police and fire sources.  City officials have responded by repeatedly stating that the capital funds identified for the Cincinnati Streetcar are restricted funds that can only be used on capital projects – not operating expenses like personnel. Furthermore, city officials also believe the streetcar investment will return an estimated $3 for every $1 invested.

“In light of the budget problems facing the city, I am convinced that we must use every economic development tool we can to bring residents, jobs, businesses – and tax revenue – to the city,” explained City Manager Milton Dohoney. “Together, the streetcar, casino, The Banks, 21c Hotel, and other investments generate bigger returns that will stabilize and grow our local economy.”

Once complete, the system will be managed and operated by the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority which currently manages and operates Metro bus service. Phase one of the Cincinnati Streetcar is expected to take on its first passengers in spring 2013.

Arts & Entertainment News

Wrinkle in Time an inventive holiday offering

Guest post by Erin Marie Schwartz.

First, let me begin by saying I never read A Wrinkle in Time so I had no idea what to expect. The popular children’s fantasy book is being staged as this year’s holiday show at the Know Theatre of Cincinnati.

The production, directed by Jason Ballweber from Four Humors Theater in Minneapolis features two Four Humors actors in principal roles as well as Know Theatre’s resident actor MJ Jergensen in the role of Mrs. Who.

The show centers around Meg (Alisa Mattson) and her brother Charles Wallace, played by Darnell Benjamin. These two, who haven’t seen their father in more than two years, set off on a journey to find him and bring him home. Accompanying them on the journey are a colorful group of characters including Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which and Mrs. Whatsit. Also joining them on the journey is neighbor boy Calvin (Chris Wesselman) who says he’s “just along for the ride”.

Some of the most touching interactions occur between Meg and Calvin. Their portrayal of youngsters just beginning to explore the excitement of their first romantic relationship is spot-on.

There is a difficulty in bringing a fantasy/science fiction story to the stage and while Know gets an ‘A’ for effort, the final effect was somewhat less than stellar.

That being said, a creative use of lights, sound and staging are used throughout the play. The floor and walls are painted with an array of stars and a variety of objects are used onstage to produce effective and inventive sounds. When was the last time you saw an overhead projector, let alone one used for sound effects? The minimally decorated stage is the perfect forum for this production.

In conjunction with the performances, Know is promoting a book drive sponsored by Give Back Cincinnati and benefiting the Peaslee Child Development Center. New or gently used books can be dropped off during Know’s regular business hours or before any performance of “Wrinkle.”

A Wrinkle In Time runs December 9-11, 16-19, and 21-23. All performances begin at 8pm with the exception of December 11 which includes a 3pm matinee show in addition to the 8pm performance.

Tickets are $15 the week of the show, $12 if purchased in advance. Tickets may be purchased online or by calling the box office at (513) 300-5669.  The Know Theatre is located at 1120 Jackson Street in the arts district of historic Over-the-Rhine.

Arts & Entertainment News

Light Up OTR to kick off new holiday tradition

Traditions like the Duke Energy Train Display, ice skating on Fountain Square, and the Cincinnati Zoo Festival of Lights remind us that the holiday season is upon us in Cincinnati.  And soon, the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood will have a holiday tradition of its own.

“Light Up Over-the-Rhine” takes place this Friday, December 10.  Beginning at 8 p.m., teams of volunteers will walk throughout the neighborhood, placing luminaries along its major streets.  A total of 943 luminaries will be placed, representing the number of historic buildings in Over-the-Rhine.  Event organizers hope to create a warm glow that will “symbolize safety, the coming of the holiday season, and unity.”

At 10 p.m., a lighting will take place for the first annual OTR Christmas tree, located in the courtyard of Neon’s Unplugged.  Guests will be able to affix an ornament to the tree for a $2 donation to the Over-the-Rhine Foundation.  Throughout the evening, Neon’s will be serving craft cocktails created by mixoligist Molly Wellman and offering a variety of drink specials.

Anyone interested in helping to assemble and disperse the luminaries should meet at Neon’s at 6 p.m.  With the support of people from the neighborhood and the city, Light Up OTR will hopefully be a success and become another great holiday tradition for Cincinnati.

You can RSVP for Light Up Over-the-Rhine on Facebook.