News Politics Transportation

Cincinnati City Council approves critical funding for streetcar project

Cincinnati City Council gathered today to vote on allocating $2.6 million for the Cincinnati Streetcar project that will allow the project to move forward and signal a local financial commitment to the Federal government in the next round of TIGER grants.

An initial motion by Councilman Monzel opposed to the Cincinnati Streetcar was soundly defeated five to two with Winburn abstaining from the vote. Following that motion 31 members of the public spoke on the matter of allocating the $2.6 million.

The group consisted of students, young professionals, business and property owners, and those interested in seeing a better city. Out of the 31 speakers only two spoke against the project – one of which being Tom Luken. The message was clear to Cincinnati’s City Council: If you want the support of the next generation of Cincinnatians, you need to support improved public transportation.

Business owners also spoke overwhelmingly in favor of the project touting its economic benefits with Bob Pickford, President and CEO of Findlay Market, going as far to say that, “The single-most important investment this city can make to keep Findlay Market viable long-term is the streetcar.”

A student from the University of Cincinnati’s world renowned college of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning then went on to urge City Council to prove his classmates wrong by investing in the streetcar and showing them that they can stay in Cincinnati after graduation and be welcomed by a progressive, forward-thinking city.

After the long public comment session Cincinnati’s City Council discussed the matter amongst themselves. Councilman Berding went on in his comments and quoted creative economy expert Richard Florida’s recent book that discussed the need for vibrant city centers in a new economy. Berding also mentioned Jane Jacobs’ progressive vision for American cities as places that are vibrant and foster creativity.

Councilman Bortz then brought the discussion back home and stated how an affirmative vote to allocate these funds will go a long way towards closing the financial gap and securing the necessary Federal funding for the project. Meanwhile Monzel sounded off on Teaparty talking points about “feeding the beast” when it comes to getting Federal grant money.

When all was said and done, Cincinnati’s City Council voted 6-2 to allocate $2.6 million to the Cincinnati Streetcar project with only Leslie Ghiz and Chris Monzel voting no (Winburn abstained). While initially small, this commitment will go a long way in terms of the total $63 million local commitment as Cincinnati sends its application to the Federal government for the next round of TIGER funds.

Interestingly enough, both Ghiz and Monzel have their sights on the vacant Hamilton County Commissioner seat and have since shifted further to the right to appeal to a broader, more conservative county population. Ghiz has made the greatest shift after having authoritatively saying that she had always supported the project – that is until now that she has the suburbs in mind as she is voting on city issues.

Downtown resident John Schneider has seen all of Cincinnati’s public transportation discussions as the chairman of the Alliance for Regional Transit, and summed it up near the end of the public comment session when he said, “This is a day that will go down in the history books.” Speculation is not typically my thing, but I believe this will be the day that we look back and realize when Cincinnati stepped up to the challenge of redefining itself for a 21st Century economy.

Follow along with the live Twitter discussion from earlier today here.

News Transportation

Qualls to discuss conversion of prominent Uptown streets to two-way traffic

Vice Mayor Roxanne Qualls will host a press conference today at 11am in Walnut Hills to discuss the conversion of McMillan Street and William Howard Taft Road from one-way to two-way streets.

Qualls reportedly will be joined by various Walnut Hills community leaders who have long supported the idea of converting the two heavily traveled east/west streets back to two-way traffic. Residents and business owners in the area feel that such a conversion will help to further revitalize their neighborhoods, and return vitality to the business district.

Converting one-way streets into two-way streets has become an increasingly popular urban design tool over recent years by cities looking to slow down traffic, increase access and thus improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Qualls has been a leading advocate for the implementation of a ‘Complete Streets’ policy that would also embody many of these things by ensuring that all modes of transportation are accounted for in the design of streets and the public right-of-way.

The press conference will be held at Kurelis Interiors on E. McMillan Street (map) in Walnut Hills at 11am. Also on hand will be Greg Loomis from Campus Management and Jeff Raser who is part of the Walnut Hills Working Group and has been lending professional assistance in the development of form-based codes around Cincinnati.

UPDATE: Following the press conference Qualls’ office released a motion that is co-sponsored by Jeff Berding, Chris Bortz, Laure Quinlivan and Cecil Thomas. The motion calls for city administration to develop an implementation plan for the two-way conversion of McMillan Street and William Howard Taft Road east of I-71 before City Council takes its summer recess. The motion also calls for city administration to deliver a report on the feasibility of converting McMillan and Taft west of I-71 to Clifton Avenue by September 2010.

Another critical part of the motion calls for the incorporation of several traffic calming measures that will make the streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders. Those improvements could potentially include landscaped medians, crosswalks, dedicated bicycle lanes, improved on-street parking design, wider sidewalks, bus pullouts, reduced traffic speeds and even the incorporation of roundabouts.

Photo taken by Laura Sandt.


Ohio’s 3C rail corridor could reach 110mph speeds

Ohio’s plans for the 3C “Quick Start” passenger rail project can include speeds of up to 110mph without the need for new track construction according to a release from Linking Ohio – a citizen advocacy group started by All Aboard Ohio.

Recent news reports have indicated that top speeds of only 79mph would be possible due to current regulations, but the advocacy group cites Section 24308 of Title 49 of the United States Code that has a process that would allow systems operated by or for Amtrak to operate on freight corridors at these accelerated speeds. The appeals process would be heard by the Surface Transportation Board who would then determine whether the accelerated speeds would be safe for the proposed corridors.

Those behind Ohio’s 3C “Quick Start” Project say that while the higher speeds are possible, they are not necessarily desirable for the initial start.

“Experience with other new start passenger rail services show that improved reliability, frequent service, convenience and service amenities are important factors in attracting riders,” said the advocacy group in the release. “The 3C “Quick Start” Project has consistently been communicated as a first step to bringing high-speed passenger rail to our state, and in order to quickly offer this travel option to 6.8-million Ohioans living along the 3C corridor, Ohio can implement speeds at 79mph by making some initial upgrades to the existing tracks now being used solely for freight transportation.”

The plan currently on the table calls for upgrades to existing freight bottleneck areas and a variety of other improvements that will make passenger rail to safely operate on the same tracks as existing freight rail. Other improvement costs cover the construction of passenger rail stations, parking and “last-mile transportation options.”

“Once the initial service is up and running at 79mph, the State will begin implementing additional corridor upgrades to achieve 110mph service using the existing track infrastructure,” Linking Ohio stated. “However, there are steps and negotiations with freight railroads that will need to be navigated in order to increase speeds.”

Following this initial quick start process, officials hope to upgrade the system to even higher speeds reaching 125mph – the optimal speed for rail service between cities 100 to 500 miles apart. Any service reaching these speeds will require its own separate right-of-way and tracking. With 79mph passenger rail service not scheduled to start until 2012, 125mph service or above is something that appears to be a decade in the making.

All Aboard Ohio testimony in Washington D.C. photo provided by All Aboard Ohio.

Development News Politics

Bellevue ‘Smart Code’ workshops begin Monday

You may know Bellevue, Kentucky for its historic neighborhoods and the unique shops in the pedestrian-friendly Fairfield Avenue business district. Or you may know its “shopping center district” with big box retailers and fast food restaurants in an auto-oriented plaza. City leaders want new developments to be more like the former and less like the later. That’s why the Bellevue community is working on a new form-based zoning code that fits with the city’s motto of “Preserving the Past, Preparing for the Future.” The code will reportedly encourage walkability and the mixing of uses in new developments.

People who live, work or play in Bellevue have been able to get involved in the efforts to adopt a ‘Smart Code’ from the beginning. On January 27, the first public meeting featured architect Jeff Raser of glaserworks explaining how the code works. At the meeting, many residents were initially skeptical, not understanding the purpose or implications of the change, but came to understand the benefits as Raser answered their questions.

Raser explained that public involvement is essential if the code is to be successful. If citizens participate now, they have the chance to “prescribe” how new developments should look, feel, and function. Residents and developers will both benefit as new projects get off the ground quicker due to the reduced need for zoning variances and other time-wasting processes.

The next public meeting was held in February, allowing citizens to participate in a “visual preference survey.” Results from the meeting showed that citizens overwhelmingly wanted new developments to better fit in with existing historic structures. They also wanted to preserve public parks, plazas, and views of the Ohio River and Cincinnati skyline.

The last chance for citizens to have their voices heard will be next week, from Monday, March 22 to Wednesday, March 24, when the city is holding a charrette, or public workshop, at Bellevue’s Callahan Community Center (616 Poplar Street). Various topics will be covered throughout the charrette, and open house hours will allow citizens to share any other opinions or concerns they may have. An open house “pin up session” will be held on Thursday, March 25 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m., where final results from the charrette will be presented.

Photo courtesy of the Coding Bellevue.

Development News Transportation

UC students working to solve Cincinnati’s urban issues

When it comes to finding solutions to fix the problems our city faces, we can’t overlook the talented minds found at the universities and colleges right here in our city. And for urban design issues, many of these minds can be found at the University of Cincinnati in the fields of urban planning, engineering, architecture and political science.

68 students in these fields have been working on solutions to problems in Downtown, Uptown, Northside, Camp Washington, and other Cincinnati neighborhoods recently, and many will be presenting their findings today at the Turner Building (2728 Short Vine, Corryville) from 1pm to 5pm.

One group focused on improving the interchange between I-71 and Taft/McMillan Streets in Uptown. Their plan adds a giant roundabout connecting Taft & McMillan and adding access to southbound I-71. Their plan also calls for converting McMillan Street through Walnut Hills from a one-way street to two-way.

“The chief part of our business district (located on McMillan Avenue between I-71/Gilbert Avenue and Victory Parkway) was harmed when the city designated McMillan and William Howard Taft as one-way streets years ago,” said Kathy Atkinson, president of the Walnut Hill Area Council. “People speed right through our business district. It’s no longer a destination due to traffic patterns. Top on our list is to have that changed.”

As bold as the students’ plan may sound, there are other, even bolder options for improving the urban landscape of Uptown. Several neighborhoods have been pushing for a completely new interchange to the north at Martin Luther King Drive. This would allow for improved access on the already auto-oriented MLK Drive, while taking much of the traffic demand off of Taft and McMillan streets. Both streets could then be converted to two-way for their entire lengths, making them more pedestrian- and bike-friendly.

Eventually, a streetcar loop could be added to the Taft/McMillian pair, connecting the Clifton Heights and Walnut Hills business districts together while also connecting those areas with the proposed north-south Cincinnati Streetcar line at Vine Street. New businesses and residents would be attracted to this energetic, accessible, multi-modal corridor.

Other students’ plans focused on Broadway Commons, the future site of Cincinnati’s casino; an area in Northside and South Cumminsville that will be affected by the Mill Creek Expressway I-75 construction project; and many other sites throughout the city. Learn more about the students’ plans by visiting the presentation tonight, or read more about the plans online.