
New meets old at UrbanCincy

The results of February’s poll are in…and they are decidedly split (sounds familiar). The two run away selections were individuals that have lived in Cincy for less than 5 years and those who have lived here their whole life.

So if you have been here your whole life, what has kept you here? If you are new to the area, what is it that brought you here? What can be better and what is it that makes this region so special? Tell all…we could have some good discussions with this one.


Downtown/OTR top living destination(s) – Reader’s Choice

In what turned out to be the most active poll to date, Downtown/OTR ran away with the selection as being the top living destination as per the readers of UrbanCincy. The Downtown/OTR selection accounted for 45% of the overall vote…way ahead of the second place finisher (Mt. Adams) which finished with 12% of the vote.

Some complained that it isn’t necessarily correct to group places like Downtown and OTR, as well as, places like Hyde Park and Oakley. The goal was not to lump the places together, but rather group them together for their geographic relationship to one another.

So like always, please do tell why you voted the way you did…if you voted for Downtown/OTR did you prefer one over the other?


Kenwood/Other top holiday shopping destinations – Reader’s Choice

For some reason when I created this poll I thought that Kenwood would be a runaway winner, and it was kind of. But the ‘Other’ category actually registered the most votes. So I’m wondering, if you voted ‘Other’ where is it you did most of your holiday shopping?

Did you go Downtown for most of your needs, random stores here and there, or did you even do most of it online? I guess looking back I could have structured the poll a little better, but by the time complaints started rolling in about not listing Downtown as an option it was too late. I would have lost all of the results that had been recorded up until that time.

So let me have it, and share where you did your holiday shopping…and most importantly why.

News Transportation

Streetcars/Transit should be #1 priority for Cincinnati – Reader’s Choice

Your votes have been cast and have spoken loud and clear. By a wide margin the readers of UrbanCincy have stated that streetcars and/or other rail transit should be the #1 priority for Cincinnati.

The poll had a 162 total votes with 50% (81) voting for the rail transit option. Redevelopment of OTR and completion of The Banks finished 2nd and 3rd respectively. Interestingly enough public education received the least amount of votes (even behind public safety). So anyone want to elaborate on why they voted for what they did?

BTW, if you would like to receive regular emails regarding what’s happening with rail transit in Cincinnati sign up for the listserv. All you have to do is send an email HERE expressing your interest to be included on the listserv, and presto magico you’ve got hot off the presses emails regarding transit in Cincinnati.


Downtown is the best nightspot in Cincinnati – Reader’s Choice

So the results are in…and from the extremely scientific polling methods of UrbanCincy it appears that Downtown is the favorite nightlife area in Cincinnati. There was essentially a tie for second between Mt. Adams and Northside; with Newport on the Levee, Mainstrasse and Main Street (OTR) bringing up the rear.

I must say that I am pleasantly surprised with the results. I did not think that Downtown would finish first even though I think it is a great spot for nightlife. I was expecting Mt. Adams, but it should be interesting to hear the explanations from everyone on how they voted the way they did.

I personally voted for Mt. Adams, because I think it is the best spot to bar hop in the city. Although the area is lacking some night clubs, the bars there are second to none.

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