As with many other things in Cincinnati lately…things are starting to heat up for a “major film festival” in Cincinnati. CityBeat had a fantastic article about this very subject last week, and it has since stirred some interest on the topic.
Mayor Mark Mallory has commented on the issue and said, “Let me tell you, I am very interested in that concept. We have a very rich film industry in the city of Cincinnati, considering we are not L.A., Chicago or New York.” He goes on to say that CityBeat’s reference of it only costing $120,ooo, “doesn’t seem like a lot of money to me.”
So what do you think…is Cincinnati capable of hosting a major film festival here? CityBeat highlighted the many niche film festivals that are already prevalent in Cincinnati. It seems as though our arts community is capable enough, but do we have that extra umph to make it happen? Furthermore, what could a marque event like this do for
Cincinnati’s image nationwide? Sure we’ve got fantastics arts here, and they are supported well…but it doesn’t seem like all that many people know it. Could an event like this put Cincy on the radar of young professionals, and thus enlighten them to everything else Cincinnati has to offer?
External Links:
Cincinnati World Cinema
Cincinnati Film Commission