
Building Value manager explains environmentally sensitive deconstruction process

Dave Hunt, De-Construction Manager with Building Value, explains the process of deconstructing a building in a way that salvages the valuable resources enclosed for a later use in a different building construction project. Dave is joined by Alyson Moritz, Planner with the City of Wyoming, who discusses the value the Wyoming community sees in the environmentally sensitive deconstruction process.

Arts & Entertainment News

2010 Cinciditarod today at noon

The 2010 Cinciditarod takes place today at noon when 49 teams will gather at Fountain Square to engage in a grueling five-mile shopping cart race through Cincinnati’s center city.

A great spot for spectators will be right on Fountain Square where photos will be broadcast on the video board atop Macy’s from the race as they happen. Following the race an awards ceremony will be held on the Square at 3pm. Plus there will be soft drinks, beer and food from Cincinnati’s newest taco truck: Senor Roy’s Taco Patrol.


Hamilton County "well-positioned" for future growth and prosperity

Hamilton County Commissioner David Pepper gave the second annual State of the County Address on February 18. In that address, Commissioner Pepper recapped what was accomplished and experienced in a difficult 2009, and what the County needs to do to be successful in 2010. You can watch the State of the County Address yourself, or you can read through a brief summary below.

  • With record decreases in sales tax receipts (7.5%), property sales and transaction revenues (42% since 2007), and interest earnings (50%), Hamilton County was forced to make tough decisions to balance its budget and shave off 22% ($60 million) of its overall costs and back to 1998 levels.
  • Making job creation and retention a top priority, Hamilton County officials were able to create more than 50 economic development projects and create or retain 13,000 jobs.
  • The balanced budget without adding any additional tax burden on the citizens earned Hamilton County high marks in Moody’s credit rating.
  • The County’s free foreclosure counseling program has saved 2,175 homes from foreclosure and 985 in 2009 alone…thus saving the County from an estimated $50 million in lost property value.
  • The County’s new prescription drug discount card was used 17,000 times in the first year and generated savings of 21.17% for its users resulting in $200,000 of savings.
  • Of Ohio’s six largest urban counties, Hamilton County has the lowest property tax as a percentage of income, and is tied for the lowest sales tax.
  • Hamilton County’s SuperJobs center linked 2,200 people to jobs and provided job training to 660 youth in the community. New training programs are focusing on health care, construction and green job industries.
  • Public Safety takes up 70% of the County’s budget.

Hive13 brings hackerspace to Cincinnati

Hive13 has been settling in to their versatile Camp Washington space where the growing group has brought Cincinnati its very own hackerspace to life. This past Saturday the group hosted a party and open house where Soapbox Cincinnati was able to get a glimpse inside.


‘Today’ mixes beauty of the city and music

‘Today’ is a video that features beautiful HD cinematography of Cincinnati. The video shows a number of Cincinnati landmarks, the city’s many beautiful parks, and a variety of cityscapes. This is all shown with a unique concert-style performance by University of Cincinnati students. Be sure to watch the entire video as the transitions in the song make for interesting transitions in the cinematography.