
The Best Cincinnati Streetcar Video Yet


Life in Cincinnati with the streetcar (video)


Vote for Cincinnati to win $5k for its recycling efforts

Cincinnati-based Get Sick Productions has only recently gotten its start, but is already competing at a national level for a video the new viral marketing and new media production company put together for Cincinnati’s Office of Environmental Quality.

The video focuses on promoting Cincinnati’s recycling program and is now looking for your votes as it competes with five others from around the country for your votes. The winning city will take home $5,000 for their local recycling efforts. You can vote once a day…so vote early, and vote often for Cincinnati as the public voting closes on Saturday, October 31. VOTE HERE!

Also be sure to check out Feoshia Henderson’s story on Get Sick Productions in yesterday’s Soapbox issue.


Cincinnati Streetcar Facts (video)

Arts & Entertainment Business News

Bill Donabedian talks about Fountain Square’s success

Remember that precarious group of Cincinnatians who referred to the renovation of Fountain Square and its large underground parking garage as a boondoggle? If you do, I would bet that these people are hoping you forget all about the reckless boondoggle claims of theirs.

Fountain Square has always been a central gathering point for Cincinnatians, but in recent years the public space has transformed into something much more. The Square has become exactly what planners envisioned it would become following the renovation of the space – a living room of sorts where all Cincinnatians feel welcome to come and hang out.

Thousands of people pack the Square each day for lunch, nights are often filled with concert or movie crowds, touring events make certain to utilize the space, and the majority of Cincinnati’s premier festivals use it as the center point to their festivals. In this video, Fountain Square’s managing director Bill Donabedian speaks with Soapbox Cincinnati about programming the Square, its recent success and more with a Bengals tailgate on the Square providing the backdrop.

Fountain Square from